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Everything posted by mC HULL

  1. So a nervy bayer barker is shit then lol
  2. Take note everyone you get offered a 50kg dog that’s a guard for free it’s because it’s a man eater lol nothing good is ever free
  3. Would a been something to see that lol
  4. If it didn’t it would’nt come for another I guarantee so this 50 kg dog that can take a lump hammer to the head is it fining to come back to gate grab stick again and take another lump when a dog bites you first reaction is to belt it not go into shock lol You ever seen a dog bite any one
  5. What I’m saying is that dogs at fence jig I put a stick to it it grabs on the lad next to you lump hammer to head it’s as easy as that mate is it not?
  6. Lol And im not under no illusion It be a good idea to try lol but I wasn’t getting at I can fight and ko dogs i was saying a dog can be easily got around and can be ko and winded But if you wanted to bet good money I put a sleeve on and make that dog not want none of me
  7. A dog behind a five foot fence that won’t engage to bay and bark would do a better job you can’t get near it to lump it and the noise would do there head in no matter what way you twist what I say common sense says I’m correct lol
  8. Go to any town that was rough 50 year ago on allotments were man kept dogs horses and cocks they would bet on all sorts but half the people on here think a dog weighs half as much as a man and only Has a mouth would come out on top lol
  9. I’m not saying they would go about it for what’s in a garden shed lol what I said was that useless Caucasian that can’t get over a five foot fence wouldn’t keep a couple of toe rags out after a crosser and neither would 95 % of the man stoppers on here don’t get me wrong there good at the trials an so on and lads are happy with them but in the real world when the time does come there a small hurdle for even a toe rag
  10. Im not saying you can walk in a yard and beat the dog you’d come off bad but if you get the dog we’re it’s mouths occupied it’s easy to ko or wind and I mean real easy even with a sleeve loads on here have them let’s hear some truth when that dog gets your sleeve how easy once it’s back legs off the floor is it to pin a dog uses it’s mouth and back legs together get it on it’s back easy from there
  11. a 25kg dog would kill a man in Hollywood mate which is were most a these pp dog scenarios come from lads on here never had to get a dog of another one solid boot or crack job done and when you do give them one they in no rush for another believe same as when that grabbed your brother how he get it off when a dog grabs you mate your not thinking or even feeling pain the human body is a lot stronger than you think mate
  12. I’ve seen plenty with old boys that are as relaxed. As can be
  13. Can’t wait to get out the cage can it lol
  14. Remember it I get it with every dog I ever had lol
  15. Lol hard one handed aswell lol straight up you catch even a bull terrier full on to side a head jaw behind jaw you’d be surprised what it does to the dog next you all be telling me you can’t boot a dog to the ribs and knock the wind out of it that super dog poster you got on bedroom wall is not real am sorry to say a dog can be knocked out can be winded no dog has ever eaten a teenager and shat them out just like the chance of a causican that can’t jump a five foot gate would kill a man a gsd and Mali all at once lol
  16. What world are you in greb lad what happens if you punched someone in the top of head hard same would happen with a dog you’d hurt your hand without a doubt lol
  17. I wouldn’t punch it in the head or anything in the head as hard as I could lol you’d break your hand as you said
  18. Used to be like that with me neighbour as a kid trying to get the ball the c**t would hide so you fought it was in house horrible f***ing collie that was one time I had to dive in his house dog was right on me he f***ing hated me dog and neighbour lol always knack you on the arse
  19. What can it do when it’s occupied with something in its mouth ?
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