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Everything posted by mC HULL

  1. We’re about you based mate any time it’s dark mate really but later quieter roads etc
  2. I just ring up vets they have it ready when I pop in
  3. When I did feed raw they’d play with it eat it last now it’s in a broth I didn’t think they no mate I chop in smaller pieces mate
  4. Mine will eat lung but I boil them in with everything
  5. That’s the one poxon fat and nutriants
  6. With a pup I just worm and give a variety but very rarely now do I feed any raw apart from bones everything from kibble meat fish to porridge and goats milk and scraps lol
  7. No lads used to at it mate swill bins school Chinese bakery’s how times change and not for better
  8. Say Asda hear beef mince be3 quid a kilo dog food place about 1.30 a kilo Chicken cheaper but always smells gamey
  9. £1 quid a kilo over here you be lucky lol
  10. There’s lads that have been at fox since before I was born and lads a still running 1/4 3/8 collie beddy bull no lads manage to say get 3/8 bull grey and linebreed your never gonna get a type breeding off all different types scatter breeding all the time lol
  11. That go back to razor mate
  12. I was meaning the old one mate red the coursing saluki
  13. Bred a few good uns did he I think that red coursing saluki on YouTube was his tidy dog don’t think he bred that though
  14. What was bitch to your pup shadow sounded a weak thing lol
  15. Was a month o so ago 12 month in pic stopped a few already but knocked its leg up on barb wire few week off be ok only bit in 20 mile radius lol she abit a filling out to do yet she a strange bitch
  16. What is it you want a lurcher doing mate 2nd one down feet look abit mashed
  17. If she was worth breeding off you would of Rio I like the fact you didn’t breed the shit out of her just because you could mate the pups would off easily gone could of made a nice few quid but didn’t I take me ? of to you mate ( I still would a tried a quality coursing hound over her lol) looks like you get plenty a fun with pup atb
  18. You mainly mooch lamp Rio normally get a sal bred dog on daytime the bug hard to get rid of lol was bitch not worth breeding from mate
  19. I seen plenty of sal x that are muscled but can still go over the 5 min mark
  20. Corker Rio you not got a saluki about you mate
  21. There’s abit a back then there’s kardashian lol
  22. Same dog but a wet day lol
  23. Lol you sound like me old lady shadow she 74 now been been about lurchers she was a Bain she hates any more than a couple ribs and likes abit of arse to them lol leave it to rest a few days more doesn’t matter it’s eating twice a day until it’s full the works taking more out then you can put in I’ve had some arguments with her lol
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