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Everything posted by mC HULL

  1. if i was anti killing id get a f***ing whippet lol
  2. i will and keep letting lads know whippets are useless get a catapult lol
  3. your a lying c**t and its obvious lol you talk shite and your talking it now mate an anti i been at it 25 year lads on here know kids i went out at school dont talk shite
  4. you really are scraping the barrel now you plum?
  5. ?? rock hunting like a foxhound pack now hunting woods lol youve got sightjound running dogs lol why you scared of taking them were they have to run lol
  6. lol typical summer lamper lol run in circles lol jog 5 mins try 40 plus mph 5 mins mate lol something you never seen ??
  7. lol we know i know you know 2mins is giving you 30 seconds ?
  8. lol rather it the hares heart went boom after 7 mins than the whippets after 2 mins mate lol the dog sticks on both walking pace both give there all something to see mate but so is the whippet stopping tail tucked after 2 mins lol
  9. im funny lol just tell lads whippets are great rabbit ferreting dogs but dont get one thinking they stop hares or bambi regular keep to sheep land and golf courses when its real wet all im saying want an allrounder hack stick all winter get one good bit a sal in it they alot more rugged then other types and can take stick
  10. id rather have 5 mins if need be what happen you travel hit a strong one done for the day them winter months mate need 5mins in em
  11. one border the other a kelpie mate ?
  12. quality mate i can watch them at it mate find it great lol
  13. your not keeping me in the dark mate ? i know the score mate regarding whippets im not one a the ones done little lapping up all the shite lads talk on here when i was a bain i believed the shit lads spout on here regarding certain types i soon learned whats what seeing them out lol ?
  14. one sheep sire all them mate that is some stamina lol??
  15. ?them hard runners pull muscles mate knock there self up you get em though stop plenty mate regular ?
  16. mate your over the moon a whippet got one up and drilled it in winter says all i need to no mate get the vid up mate be good to see
  17. thats how id expect a whit grey to look mate is it capable mate seen i few id feed over the years
  18. plough lol ever any seed mate or you stay to plough lol?
  19. just how id expect a whippet to look mate you must be up north lol ?everything bigger stronger down south lol
  20. ?can a whippet stop hares week in week out mate not once a twice a season mate consistantly i dont get sick every out coursing mate i enjoy 2/3 good going mate ? you ever fancy day out this season mate can always pop up have a days sport mate id enjoy talking dogs ?
  21. were did i say i slip at 500 yds on lamp ? i said you can see a dog at that and you can aslong as its light coloured
  22. just come run me with a whippet mate its that easy eyes dont lie bring a whippet or a brace ill show you they cant kill a strong hare even doubled id be surprised they put a bend in mate
  23. ??you know fiction mate and know everything i said is fact lol?? whippets a kids dog or rag chaser no hunting man try using one
  24. youve swerved more than that fox he just put up lol ? even a whippet can look like a hare killer on video mate but week in week out we know the score dont we lol
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