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Everything posted by mC HULL

  1. ? shitter (plural shitters) (colloquial, vulgar) One who defecates. From mouth (slang, vulgar) Usually on social media ?
  2. Look just got to ask good dog men the right questions you get a quality post ?? I don’t mind a bit a rabbiting but treban that half cross be me cup a tea lol
  3. I’d prefer them right mate but seen good from both some dogs will just breakdown ??
  4. A lot a shitters mate but some excellent dog men on here and it’s great for a craic ?
  5. ? there not on because they’ve that much graft for dogs lol no time for computer lol some may have had dead dogs mate injured and some lads definately been effected by COVID mate some travel constant if your out your own county it’s fines mate be on you all time permission different and some are full a shit lol
  6. Exactly mate if lads didn’t get called there wouldn’t be as many saying why’s this line died out were a these crosses lol
  7. Nice tight feet chart by your pics you’ve owned a good few different types in your time mate do you think tight feet really make a difference running wise ??
  8. Get a big deerhound then it’s not your taste ? I always thought they was big for the big things ?? the smaller dog looks tidy ?? was it an improvement
  9. Can remember foot and mouth wheel dips on farms signs all over chains with foot and mouth signs at gateways we just thought f**k it no cows or sheep on the arable lol no one grassed you or police turn up with fines like now with COVID lol thinking about it now not young few a them bambi could a had it ?
  10. Can be abit disheartening mate when you flattened someone and they get up start fighting back hard lol ruiz would a known that if Joshua didn’t go in his shell as soon as he got tagged lol
  11. Rich don’t apply to them 3 of us at a house someone raped dead in a pool you think it would take 25 year for someone to be cgardged lol
  12. Scared klitschko style behind jab Ruiz won points ?? pulev klitschko style break him down behind jab time right put pressure on ?? he’s now like watching a black younger klitschko I think ??
  13. How many heavys a same size or bigger lol what I’m getting at is if you have high guard and klitschko style you like people trying Bob and weave to get in keep them on the end strong jab against fury he’s going to be on the end of the fury’s jab sets to unleash his combo fury won’t be there then you have fact Joshua is like a pure grey powerful explosive then he will gas for next 3 rounds that’s when fury will put it on Joshua wilder style lol
  14. My pal just been given new council house had leaks front bay neighbour comes out says mines leaking aswell me pal say there’s a few about shoddy house neighbour says payed 200000 for this it’s a joke me pal said council give me this I’m not surprised man nearly fall over speechless just went in ?
  15. Big men he’s fought klitschko wilder wallin all tall mate Ruiz Parker povetkin all smallish heavys
  16. Normally good coursing type will plod lol on rough ground like that if they smash feet try try some hoof ointment on smashed feet mate ??
  17. All that tells me bar klitschko is Joshua likes fighting smaller men and he took 2 0s fury took 4 in same time why did Hearn sign Ortiz to keep him away from Joshua lol
  18. Lol we’re do I start fury pulls out what he does lol he beat klitschko a ten year champion in Germany then wilder in USA wbc champion but he has been manage cherry picking lol on the other hand you have Joshua beat a champion for the ibf belt who won it because man hurt his knee first defence lol then other belt from a 2 year absent klitschko lol then 3rd belt off Parker lol Parker who had the cherry picking lol Joshua wilder doesn’t deserve to be in ring the he might be awful but he has ko everyone but fury the man has real natural power that doesn’t come often lol
  19. Wouldn’t mate dog off lead wasn’t intentional ??
  20. Be easier if he wasn’t banned he could comment ?
  21. 100 million means everything to them the payday is the reason they got in it first place ?? joshua bottled wilder Ortiz waited til fury beat klitsxhko and was 2 years older lol he good like joshua good combos exciting to watch but fury different calibre ??
  22. I can’t wait ?? be 2 fights aswell Brit be undisputed again
  23. Lol only substance I need is me eyes mate fury will slip ride shots naturally Joshua can’t even be taught it lol guard up fighting like klitschko will not beat fury mate wilder lol he’d knock Joshua cold first time they trade Ruiz did him he’s fighting scared since ??
  24. Find away out a making hundred million after you won a world title in USA and 3 in Germany wilder much more a threat than Joshua ever will be mate
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