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Everything posted by mC HULL

  1. ?me old man died when i was a baby mate dogs pts i got into them twagging going out the back with a lad bring his dog mooching all day?you watched all different types killing everything bar hares once you saw a good saluki youd be smitten aswell lol me old lady hated it just be police fines for me lol and me first dog only bit a salkuki in it because saluki bred to much dog for a young lad was the men i used to bump into out that told me first about me dad and his dog mate by then i already had the bug badly ??
  2. I've seen vid pures from here over Spain stopping them mate easier than they would here ? Smaller type here go well mate but I've had big gingers up on tops pull and pull hit a good one its no different ? ? Food what there eating will have a massive influence them Spanish hares not getting fed like ours land isn't as rich for things to grow ?
  3. Lol a bit a rain on clay may get balled up lol On slop mate real wet clay sandy clay no balling at all mate no sticking just sinking And never been on peat balls Normally just clay with a bit a wetness that balls up mate ?
  4. Remember before jeeps it was horse bk Arab horse some animal over distance aswell?
  5. ??So droppers on vid but a saluki can run down a wild one and have lol?
  6. Do you think 200 year ago they did that or caught for food charts
  7. Lol they caught gazelle for food for years mate
  8. Last thing I want to do is fall out over dogs mate ? if I acted a c**t I've been known to do that lol but there was no malice mate ?
  9. They hunted gazelle mate for ever called a gazelle hound Faster than any mammal over long distance mate But our coursing bred more a mid distance runner not same stamina as a pure
  10. But our coursing bred hasn't the wind of a pure mate and an import inrecon be another level
  11. Fastest UK mammal mate nothing outrun a Saluki over 2 mile mate I'm sure a read hare was fastest mamal over 2 mile but I know no mammal outrun a saluki
  12. No mate not really they not a sprinting mammal mate there fastest mammal over 2 mile ? There not sprinters
  13. No mate because all the breeding from best workers hasn't happened in purebred for years mate like it has coursing breds
  14. Even now mate they be restriction on breeding you sign a contract rio no more hes been there mate ?
  15. A massive variety in looks mate isn't they in them photos ?
  16. Talking about Ditch bottoms lol And poxon with whatever is between you stopend is your own doing lol Leave it at dogs mate stop them nonsense ?
  17. ?seen em feet look bad mate they been solid ? Most them import come with restriction rio And even uk ones like chart said come with restrictions
  18. Windswift import looks alot like luke a ginger French's
  19. A good one doesn't have bad feet though mate ? I couldn't care what they look like lol?
  20. Your taking dog talk and trying make it something else mate Its not on
  21. Feet mean little mate honestly but I know what you mean ?
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