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Everything posted by mC HULL

  1. I just bought him mate lad bred him want credit and men before that ?
  2. You can slip mate slip 500 yds going into next field hare going into game strip ? you be stratching your head ?
  3. And them galgos ill give 2 hares head start and still beat em to 3 ? ? ?
  4. ? be as bad as lamping um mate on the stubble ? make green lurcher whippets look like plodders ? ?
  5. Enjoying summer at min lol not happy with the whippet talk ?
  6. Ye mate ? but be winter to see what its Made of before then you think its a greyhound mate ? ? ?
  7. Cheers greb ? although it is a saluki x ? Only one type from desert to slop with killers been left every stop ?
  8. ?? I couldn't go out there mate I'd be finished i get sun stroke Scarborough ? ? I go abroad only come out when its dark
  9. waiting for the cha boy come and finish them off lol whippets in saudi that be a bit a quality in them then lol
  10. have to dont you or the chop lol shame they cant do the same when they go to foreign country aye mate or said country ours dont want to do same and give em the chop for not lol?
  11. great mate charts educates you while having you laughing mate ?
  12. saluki isnt mate it was around before the religion of islam mate so they are allowed
  13. next the sandy be telling us man originated in spain not the fertile cresant ??
  14. the smooths double our coursing breds even feathereds are you hunt much when there charts
  15. but can any here already stop uk hares daytime mate winter say if theres 10 in this country surely one must be a good hare dog if its there bred and butter mate
  16. galgos been in spain 2000 years since julius ceaser lol more likey romans brought dogs with them from middle east mate then spain
  17. north africa charts aye lol but muslim mate good read of differengt types mate Saluqis in the Countries of Origin - The Arabian Peninsula WWW.SALUQI.NET
  18. In modern-day Saudi Arabia, the Saluki is still revered to by many as “The Dog of Kings.”
  19. i dont know mate obviuosly nomads did travelled all over thats why saluki blood everywere but any leaders also come from these tribes mate
  20. The Galgo has a long history. Their ancestors can be traced back to ancient Egypt, Asia and Celtic Europeans, as far back as 8 A.D. Greyhounds, in general, are often referred to as one of the oldest purebred dogs i wonder what ancestor can be traced back to ancient egypt ??
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