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Everything posted by mC HULL

  1. keep on him ffs takes me all year for one bite im nearly there lol
  2. loads do mate it’s not miles away but it’s not hull some good spots all the same
  3. i think drover meant them nettles look lush not how they would in winter mate basically killing milky does lol
  4. selby 40 mile from me mate lol im amazed lads call them hull hares lol
  5. bred for the open land mate you live rio ? not area but roughly ?
  6. when i spoke to him he liked that saluki style didn’t he brain but he running big open land and few week when it’s raining bad that black is like a soup takes a relentless dog to kill on it
  7. no it ain’t mate i can take you to areas and say watch one us hitting a 5 plus on here give me an excellent thermal to look at the hares i’ll do it one run
  8. ive seen stacks over 25 year of running hares mate all over ive told ya about imaginary dogs your not listening lol
  9. so lucky fast killer amazing dog brains why did he need to go 5 plus ? he didn’t in. forley
  10. have a day off lol it’s the land when you hit them hares wet going. no dogs kills them under 4and half the best you need 5 plus there pulling like a fresh hare 4 mins in mate until you see these hares you won’t know what im n about
  11. remeber drover said lol how real lads quality bitches like alistair and that great birch hull bush hares lol your not go know how many won’t match let go here your not gonna get 3 easy kills here ever once it’s a few month in
  12. just remember im booked in next season to run a dozen and it’s not my land so i won’t sicken me self and stop i’ll show you how a real un slay shite hares lol
  13. i’d rather breed off hare killers i know been 5-6 mins mate
  14. im not saying you can’t stop hares i’ll take you spots you will mate but ive 20 spots you will get dragged to bits and finished in one run mate slip at 50 yards and not bend it in a mile and half to wood when you give a hare nothing but open land and nothing to think about but getting there then you see a different animal completely same with fox and deer
  15. were all different mate like different things i like a dog that is relentless
  16. i was on about to marcus he said were you run you need fast dogs and speed dont go pure dont so it lol
  17. one day out a week good land no issues mate i’ll even chuck the fuel in all you have to do is kill one let’s see if it takes one trip or 30 lol
  18. i’d bet what ever anyone wants to bet on it mate unless you have a very good coursing bred you have no chance at all mate there won’t be on kick up or young hare to run everything been chased by then thats over 30 hares run in them weeks you wouldnt stop one running ya dog single
  19. my bitch is fast mate watch early season till december not much go line shes like glue and speed means f**k all them strong powerful runners look good top going. but have to change style not many do it cauldfields joe for example great on good going looked a million dollars on wet slop average worse then a poor saluki
  20. something that runs things boxing them when it can be took out no speed change a foot and in a a saluki i’d say is when they follow and tighten up after every lap and the run like a rocking horse
  21. december on serious chart you ran 3 a week till feb you wouldnt kill one mate and that is the truth absolutely no chance
  22. same beeeding mate like you say them lads matched for fun
  23. definition of plodders but are quick just look slow
  24. lol for me feathered bitch i might go there but i might go heavy on me dog aswell i love the saluki style mate
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