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Everything posted by mC HULL

  1. only one mate i didn’t start with the coursing dogs until 97ish remember im only a young buck chart lol im not even 40
  2. starmers a rat little beta male liberal it’s how they act around men lol
  3. i cant see it been jan feb seem as there at the best then
  4. you can’t even spell it ffs lol
  5. there always milky jan feb mainly because lads cant even bend them never mind kill em when was the forley held again lol novices
  6. he never bob gaskin and a few more did i know men knocked about same spots as them and bob was a game fella fight for fun and game for out he had donny just about sewn up didn’t he suppose to a been rough as f**k back then
  7. most men back then could fight like f**k mate fights were constant aye most trained aswell and the men were bigger i think and stronger
  8. were from a completely different time and place jukel
  9. here’s one for you @mackem f***ing singapore lol why would i slum it lol jukel give you character and tatse for pot noodles lol funny
  10. mC HULL


    now were talking francie lol give him 2 to 1 odds mate
  11. no stress as a kid ? no wonder you turned into a beta male liberal juk
  12. what we saying @Black neckwandering all day eating tossing it off i think we have a
  13. mC HULL


    i’ve seen a few do do 30s mate
  14. mC HULL


    120 is a lot a pull ups fair play if he can lol but i’d bet he cant if me life depended on it but i dont get the feeling francie talks shit
  15. mC HULL


    give me another year i’ll be 16 half about perfect lol but i feel better than i have in a decade now anyway 40 mile a slop in a week no bother lol
  16. mC HULL


    see greb on the scales fully clothed shoes on weights in his pocket touching 17 lol hes a middle weight lol
  17. which one are you on lol
  18. lol ill have a read up on it mate new to me battle of new cross
  19. i can’t remember it been national front i remember it been bnp mate were they the same ? just differnet names
  20. im talking early mid 90s mate im sure he was bnp could be wrong but i can’t remember it been the national front
  21. i think he was involved in that mate he was the bnp candidate here im sure
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