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jack crowley

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Everything posted by jack crowley

  1. did ye dig him with the laki dog im Very interested in him wat age is he
  2. dont know how to put them up shit at computers
  3. bull collie hound for sale 13months old has only got rabbits so far havnt tried him on anything bigger retrieves back 2 hand 200euro munster area
  4. id give ya for it but im in cork with no car
  5. take a look at my beast!! best hunter ever!! :toast:
  6. i would take you out no bothers if you werent so far away im in cork if thats any good pm if any good
  7. just want to see some good hacking hound out there
  8. i know that but where in ireland dont know how to pm sorry shit at computers
  9. only after finding out how to reply how much is it when and where is it on
  10. bast i have seen was a bull wheaton hound theres a pic of him in terrier section at a dig dog took all game day and night
  11. im fat and ugly im retarded nd my sis rocks but i dont rock i wish i could b more like her she is sooooooooooooooooooo cool im sooooooooo stupid im gonna b a woman when i grow up and i like barney im stupid too did i mention im 15 nd i have no boyfriend yet (im a boy) i love pink clothes and my room is pink with a massive topless poster of zac efron (he is sooooooooooo hot) and i love his wavy hair i wish my hair was like that but its greasy nd orange with a pink stripe .i go for showers once a month because the water is wet!!!! and my hair gets too frizzy
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