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jack crowley

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Everything posted by jack crowley

  1. throw a dog over her would be handy cash for xmas :D
  2. :db: :db: Strong stuff that skunk Yeh.... IN BUD WE TRUST AMEN TO THAT :db: :db:
  3. there grand once its just dirty water but if there shit, bedding,hair they dont last broken cavity blocks/large stones at the top and gravel on bootom works well
  4. what i mean is to get enough work for them
  5. anyone ere thats off the road and still manages to keep there dogs going
  6. happen all the time when its in the field
  7. bluestone for cattle works well
  8. bet you,d do it all again for a dog like him ,i know i would
  9. do what ya like but any of us all ways try sink a bar hole first listen then dig, i like to know whats happening before i dig anyway and its not that i dont know the terrier its that i dont know wats the situation its in could be diggin on
  10. who else uses a bar hole not only to find the tube but to lesson to the terrier before the dig
  11. there no need for a collar to be as strong as STRONGSTUFFS I bought a couple of them and i still perfered the leather ones there to big and bulky ,,look better on a elephant
  12. why you startin this bolaks for, just keep your nose out and mind your buisness ffs. YOU SHOULD BE THE ONE MINDING YOUR BUISNESS WERENT YOU THE ONE SELLING A LAKELAND FOR 300 POUND :bye:
  13. only 300 and all thats a GOOD price :no: :no:
  14. eptr i was right about you.you are a prick mocking a falla that was robbed how low will you go ya wanker :censored: :censored:
  15. wet dog i thought it was funny as f**k anyway anyone who would take it seriously sould of been miscarried :toast:
  16. cuz its the truth!!wankers of dogs should be shot!!
  17. still selling on shit john ya snake
  18. ya i do twist them its the best way, iv tried them all and this works the best pull back the skin pinch down with your thumb and twist with other hand, the skin you pulled back goes back over the woiund healing up faster and better .ya and this only take seconds to ya clown
  19. EPTR you are the biggest retard i have ever heard !!! and a money driven prick :wankerzo4: :wankerzo4:
  21. i twist the tales off the day they there born and never had a problem
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