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Everything posted by agrifabs

  1. we just had 23 ringnecks in the incubator, 13 hatched, 3 had splayed legs, i waited a day and then i tied the legs to the right gap, left the cotton on for 3 or 4 days then cut it off, legs sorted, however, one of the last chicks to hatch has broken its leg, so that away from the others now, dont really know what to do with it... will the leg get better?
  2. just had our first ever hatch of pheasants, three of them hatched late and had 'splayed' legs, so after tying their legs together with cotton to straighten their legs out, i had a wonderfull idea!!!!! it was so hard to tie those little knots!!!! get some 4mm 'o' rings from an engineering shop, tie the desired lengh and then slip the 'o' rigns over their feet, when they become a few days old - cut them off - cure!!!! what you think?? you can get a 1000 'o'o rings on ebay for next to nothing!!!
  3. ay up............i do........but theres another 62,999,998 people to get on board?????? thanks sean3513, lets start supporting british, that way quality will get better and then it will be a better place to live etc, i rely on the fact that i build british trailers and agricultural impliments, more often than not, if you look closely at the far east stuff - its crap....
  4. doesnt anyone agree with what i say then? typical british..... how are things ever going to get better....
  5. perhaps the people of britain are to blame, i always try and buy british whenever i can.. but most people tend to buy the cheapest, and most often or not the cheapest is from the far east countries, the knock on effect to this is that the british manufacturers have got to try and cut they're prices, the effect of this is that the quality of the item goes dowen the pan, the only way i can see this country getting better is if we start supporting our OWN country for a change, lets forget about the other countries and start thinking about our own for a change, by buying imports you are contr
  6. im a fabricator welder by trade, but have just been offered a job with corus! landed! 4 on - 4 off then 18days off every 7 weeks~!! im over the moon, on my days off i will continue with my small fabrication company, i specialise in trailers and agricultural impliments, im also on the lookout to purchase some additional land so i can start planning my pheasantry to a larger scale! im a pretty busy boy...
  7. what does 'bump' mean???? ive seen it loads!!!
  8. what does 'bump' mean???? ive seen it loads!!!
  9. Jeremy Forsberg, of the Northumbria Safer Roads Initiative, said: "This behaviour is simply ridiculous - it's clear what he was thinking with what he had on show. if i had my arse out i would be thinking of having a poo! so perhaps this 'person' needed a dump
  10. alright mate, just wondering when this fair actualy is because you have wrote 5/5/08 on your title but on the website it says 24 / 25 august sorry, just seen the one your on about now!!! the link you supplied took me to the august event page!!
  11. alright mate, just wondering when this fair actualy is because you have wrote 5/5/08 on your title but on the website it says 24 / 25 august
  12. i wouldnt say the smell is real bad,
  13. aldi and lidl - 95p per litre diesel in morrisons - 118.9 just bought 15 litres for £14.25 just bought 10 litres for £11.90 so that 25 litres of fuel for my landy for £26.15 £26.15 divided by 25 = £104.6 per litre!!! still expensive i know but its still cheaper than straight diesel.. landy seems to be running quieter too whats your views?
  14. heres a similar footprint, although it doesnt say a name of the creature... http://images.uk.ask.com/fr?q=animal+footp...253D36&qt=0
  15. Oil was 78p a litre in Lidl and 98p in Tesco. Now they are virtually the same Feckin robbing b'stard Tesco's and the like Won't get me beer from there no more is this price in lidl up to date? if so, i'll get down there tomorow... i checked tesco today, bloody sad... as if the government arent screwing enough money out of us, these dole bums got it right off... dont have to worry about feck all
  16. waste of money if you ask me... they should plough the money into making the environment better,
  17. funny thing, i made a point of seeing how much veggie oil is today, 3 litres is £2.97 in tesco and asda, its bloody sad to think that theres no duty to pay to the government and the price has still gone up with the rise in diesel...
  18. in the south wales area tomorow or monday?
  19. oh nice... we hardly see anything like this down our way... only really see fox's and rabbits in the steelworks..
  20. hmm, well when can i expect to see the chicks hatching because its the 24th day today!!! and im eager to see them!!!
  21. this is my first year of hatching pheasants, i have 24 ringneck eggs in my incubator, whats the incubation period for ringnecks? i was advised to set the humidity at 50% and the temp at 37.5, i was also advised to stop turning on the 21st day, is this right? i was told the incubation period is 24/5 days, they are due today, but i have just been looking online and i read that the incubation period is 28days, this means that i have stopped turning them to soon? please could you advise? thanks chris
  22. i would call it "the injured party" because the dog looks like he's hurt his paw
  23. id pick the landy over anything, cheap parts, most things can be done yourself, i dont think theres a bolt on mine smaller than m10, forget your japanese crap,
  24. alright mate, i had a 3 year old freelander when i was 21, insurance cost me £600 a year, it was a td4, the car cost me £8000 and i had to spend another £4000 on parts that included, 2no transfer boxes, gearbox, clutch, hydraulic thrust bearing, cv joints, airflow sensors, 1 of 3 fuel pumps, i done all the work myself, a local landrover centre quoted 8-12 hours labour just to change the transfer box, after the first one packing up i put another one in and when that one packed up i set myself a target of how fast i could replace it, out in 55mins and back in 1hour 20mins, so it just goes
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