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Everything posted by bill88

  1. Nice work but they should be field tested.Send me one and i'll give it a trial for you.
  2. Milbemax is the best wormer on the market.As far as i know its prescription only.My dogs are done with Drontal every 12 weeks and once a year i give them Milbemax.
  3. bill88


    Cheers mate. Hows you ?
  4. bill88


    I know Baldie is gone now after getting sick of some of the shite on here,but does anyone know where i might get hold of him? i dont mean in person just an internet contact.Thanks in advance.
  5. Cracking pics mate and the fish look spotless, all credit to you.
  6. Hello mate or should i say Kali Spera.I spent some time in Crete in the mid 90's and did quite a bit of of hunting with a guy i did some work for.It was all shooting but he did use hounds for tracking bushing/flushing and retrieving.When i explained to him about lurchers he shrugged his shoulders and told me he'd hunted all his life (he was 59) and had never seen a running dog used.We hunted in the Koloukonas mountains near Bali,and also in the hills around Perama and to be honest the ground would be totally unsitable for working a running dog.I'll ask some people i know who are still living t
  7. Unfortunately this country is full of halfwits with big powerful dogs.Me i wouldn't let them own a godfish.Had a run in with some clown and his Staffy a while back,lets just say me and one of my brothers knocked his door and explained things to him.
  8. I might come if the time date is ok.Is there money involved
  9. Been done to death this one but i'll have my say as a beddiexwhippet owner. Good points, Better feet,better coat,stronger jaw,thicker skin,determination,courage,a nose that would put some hounds to shame,etc etc. Bad point's, Not as fast as a pure whippet,can be stubborn,selective hearing,some yap,and a refusal to back down even when the odds are stacked against them. Each to there own and you pay your money and make your own choice.I chose a beddiex simply because i think its better suited to the ground i work.
  10. Spot on.Strip the c*nt of his title and let him get out of his pit in the morning and graft for his money like the rest of us.If id come out with a remark like that at work'id be down the road and getting my P45 in the post.Mind you the family name is/was Sach's Coburg (German) and was changed when we went to war.
  11. I use a simple webbed nylon slip.Loop at each end, one over the hand and one over the first two fingers.Simple, strong and very efficient,oh and 65p each.
  12. Shame that mate,it looks a nice type. What kind of lurcher would kill a terrier its kennelled with? What happened?
  13. Frank i think your right , i just dont know how to do it though Kay if you ever fancy driving over to mine,your more than welcome to come out with me and my daughter,she's better at aiming the lamp than me lol.
  14. What a c*nt. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk_politics/7820727.stm
  15. Gnash,its a five minute job to dock and sterilise the the stumps of a litter of pups,but illegal.No vet in the british isles will dock a Doberman,its only working breeds that can be docked and even then certain regulations apply as Maltenby has already pointed out.As for having a litter of say? Terriers docked,this must be carried out by a vet and not all vets will do the docking,in fact a very high percentage won't.Docking is usually done withing 3 days of birth and the vet will microchip the pups at the same time,i've no idea what the cost is to be honest.
  16. So the bull x is the finest allrounder? as already said thats a very bold statement and one a lot of knowledgeable dogmen would laugh at.Me i take as i find and whilst i've seen some fine specimens,i dont think they compare to a well bred collie/grey as a genuine allrounder.My old man bred and worked collie/greys for nearly 40 years,and im sure if he thought he was missing out on something he'd have got him self a bull x. I dont think bull x's are any more agressive than any other lurcher,the worry is that a powerfull dog like a bull x can do a lot more damage than say a beddiexwhippet.I have
  17. Nice pics mate,looks bloody cold though.Rolfe i remember my old man telling me you could tell what sex mole had left the mole hills by whether they were in a straight line or zig zag.Is this true or just my old man taking the Michael out of me?
  18. Think you have got the wrong end of the stick mate.I'm not talking about you i'm talking about people advertising gear on here then when you contact them they dont bother replying.
  19. I'd be straight in!! you'd need to be a heartless b*stard or a halfwit to watch one of your dogs drowning and i'd like to think i'm neither of the above.Well done that man.
  20. Mal i have some pics somewhere from a beach fishing trip to Withernsea on the east coast.Line was freezing to the rings and all the bait we dug and pumped that day was frozen solid.I even ended up rescuing a Guilliemot ! I sometimes think us fishermen are mental,we go fishing in the worst of weather and lets be honest a lot of us go and freeze on a bank/beach somewhere knowing we are unlikely to catch
  21. bill88

    sloe gin

    Ive a bottle of sloe gin here i made back in late october.Sloes were hard to find this year and i had to use lots of smaller harder sloes,but having sampled it over Christmas i can tell you its the best i've had. Should be even better by next Christmas (if it lasts that long!)
  22. bill88

    deben mk 1 box

    Ive had a similar problem with one in the past.It was one of the wires that attach to the speaker cone.Hth's
  23. Good informative post Nelson,thats what i do with my fish pics to help show scale/size.Are them codling Mersey fish??
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