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Everything posted by bill88

  1. If we're talking rabbits then it would be down to the landowner.I personally wouldn't do rabbits in the summer if it was my own choice,but if the landowner wants them gone then i'll go along with it to keep the permission.
  2. Theres a few Malt, TR Robb,in the uk,and Crooked Barn in the states.If i was you i would try the link below,they have everything you need to tune the rattys,and the guy that runs it really knows his stuff.Word of warning tuning rattys can go on and on,and be quite expensive. http://www.sdcustomdesign.com/index.htm I've spoken to Steve before, via Email. There's some cracking custom guns on his site. I was hoping to get a full length barrel off him. I'm not sure if I could get one sent through the post now though! Thanks again for the info! Go for it Malt,order the 24inch
  3. Theres a few Malt, TR Robb,in the uk,and Crooked Barn in the states.If i was you i would try the link below,they have everything you need to tune the rattys,and the guy that runs it really knows his stuff.Word of warning tuning rattys can go on and on,and be quite expensive. http://www.sdcustomdesign.com/index.htm
  4. http://www.air-arms.co.uk/TECHSTUFF.htm
  5. Are you sure about that Bill mate? I always thought that the standard ratcatcher was about 8-9 ft lbs, and the king ratty was 9 1/2- 10. The 2240 (ratbuster) pistol put's out dead on 6 ft/lbs, so the longer barrel on the ratcatcher would deffo up the power from 6 ft lbs. You're dead right about the cold weather though. Malt,put a standard ratty over the chrono and see what figures you get.My have been "sorted" rebuilt with new seals,and tuning parts.With a standard length barrel and standard hammer springs on both guns,in a warm room i get,approx 7.5 ftlbs with the ratty,and about 9.
  6. Standard ratcatcher is putting out about 6ftlbs, in cold weather that would be nearer 4 or 5ftlbs.They are designed for indoor ratting,and are not the tool for shooting squirrels. My two, Ratcatcher with TR Robb breach and bolt,crooked barn valve,and RWS silencer. King Ratty with crooked barn valve,logun silencer,and Cooper T adaptor,running on refillable paintball 9oz bottle Only used for indoor close range ferals and ratting.
  7. Out with the dogs at the weekend and seen this.Not a very good picture,but i was surprised i got as close to it as i did.
  8. For rabbits the blitz would be ott imo,too big (bin lid) and way too bright.
  9. My beddyxwhippet is 12 months old 18.5 tts and 24lbs,she gets two chicken wings in the morning and 1lb of raw last thing at night (unless she's out on the lamp) I alternate between WHOLE minced chicken,rabbit or beef,mixed with part cooked veg or biscuit,every other day i will replace the main meal with ox heart,or breast of lamb. As socks said tripe is all water and very little nutrition.
  10. I've just replaced my old lamp with a striker,its a cracking bit of kit but do yourself a favour and cut the cigar lighter fitting off and put some spade connectors on. http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Lightforce-SL170-sl-...7QQcmdZViewItem
  11. Who me? nah i'm a nice guy,ye never see me up to any mischief
  12. http://www.countrymanfairs.co.uk/kelmarsh/...x_kelmarsh.html
  13. Well played Wales,you were the better team today no doubt.All the best for the rest of the 6 nations,i'd like to see you go on and win it.On the last two performances,i think you have every chance.Bill
  14. You fecker Tom,i thought it was serious at first
  15. I agree that smaller breeds do mature more quickly (physically) than the larger breeds.When it comes to brains i think Snoop is about right.Obviously a dog will get better at its job as it gets older,but i dont think you could call an 18 month old dog a pup.Having said that,some dogs seem to know the craic right from the start, then again its one thing catching bolters when out ferreting,but not the same as running big things in big places.
  16. Thanks for all the replies.I work my ferrets and lamp the dogs,but things are very slow at the minute,and in all honesty i think im going to finish ferreting in the next week or so.Was getting plenty at the start of the season,but struggling to get enough for 3 dogs at the minute.Socks,i have a TPMS price list here,but there is no price for rabbit,do they normally have it?Thanks again,Bill
  17. bill88


    No worries mate,hope you get it sorted.Hate to state the obvious,but i'd defrag the pc once you have finished scanning.
  18. bill88


    Right mate,wait untill avg is finished then open spybot and search and download the updates,the click on immunize.Once thats done do a scan with spybot,if it finds anything it'll tell you and ask you what you want to do next.
  19. bill88


    Is avg scanning while your trying to download spybot? if so wait untill the scan is finished.Where are you downloading spybot from? i would try getting it from www.download.com,once you start the download,it will install itself once you've clicked the terms and conditions.
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