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Everything posted by bill88

  1. Good point Chris. Note.... members of the hunting life can join SACS for a reduced fee.The full membership price is £30,but as a hunting life member you will get the full membership for £22.Not only that but under 18's get the same benefits as a full member for FREE! As a member you will be insured to the tune of £5.000.000 while engaged in any recognised country sport.
  2. Tidy set up chubs,feck the muts when can i move in
  3. Spot on Al and a vice to hold the gun steady,my mate had a pump and sang its praise's,he couldn't keep the fecking gun still after pumping,he used to shake like an old drunk
  4. Dump the pump get a bottle Using the pump without a drypac/filter could have devastating effects on your gun.Firstly using the pump will create heat,if the weather is cold or damp the moisture will condense inside the pump,and in effect you will be pumping water into your guns air chamber (not a good idea having rust inside a compressed air cylinder) secondly any debris entering your chamber could find its way into the guns workings (valves seals etc). Im a Daystate man myself so cannot comment on pellet choice for Air Arms.I use jsb exacts,and Bisley mags in my Daystate,and both are extreme
  5. JRT any terrier is capable of ratting and rabbiting so why pay out for a Plummer or Border.Maybe even take a failed earth dog,lots about.A black un could become a liability around rabbit holes.
  6. bill88

    Red Kites

    Very rare near me,although i have seen them on a couple of occasions,once near Edge Hill in south warwickshire,and another time at Draycote reservoir near Daventry in Northamptonshire.Beautiful bird and unmistakable in flight.
  7. Chris i think it should be left alone for now as it's exposing all the folk who have ruined a breed of dog..and they is a lot of answer's to question's in this thread that a lot of people have been asking but have been lied to.. Cheer's Millet Good call Millet.
  8. Nice pics mate,lovely country,and proper dogs.
  9. jasper shes a lovely bird mate but could you pull it in real life and lets be honest about it, theres note wrong in being a bit of a perv:whistling: i have a right laugh with girls and lets face it if you can make a bird laugh your 1/2 way there, cheeky i no but it works . lady penelope ,your showing your age ,who she Posh bird who gets driven around by Parker, Yus m'lady
  10. Google and download "dvd shrink" its freeware so wont cost you.
  11. Had a couple of hours before dark yesterday on the Avon at Stratford.Was only supposed to be doing a bit of roach fishing on the stick,but ended up catching a reasonable pike.Had noticed a swirl near my keep net a couple of times,and the roach seemed to stop feeding after me getting one a chuck.I had no pike tackle with me only my pike rod and baitrunner,so i whipped a couple of size 4 hooks together and made a trace from some 60lb shock leader.Put on a roach deadbait and freelined it.I plonked it in at the side,30 minutes later i seen the line coming off the reel,and after a short fight it w
  12. bill88

    post charges

    I bought my son a very expensive accoustic guitar off an auction site.Had been kept somewhere damp and was warped,i sent it back and they refunded my money but nothing to cover my postage costs (£14.00) and egay said that was perfectly normal and i had no argument.I also bought a scope from a very well known field sports shop,the postage cost was £8.50 i just assumed this would be for 1st class recorded,as the scope cost over £200 and would be a fragile parcel.It turned up over a week later,it had been sent "standard parcels" cost £2.30 when i queried this they told me the cost was to cove
  13. Im with speedlamper on this one.I do a lot of sea fishing on and around Anglesey.Plenty of good marks to fish,either rock,pier or beach,and you can always get out of the weather one side of the island or another.As for the boat fishing,well theres plenty on offer.Lots of charters fishing around the island,in the straits,or in Carnaerfon bay.HTH's
  14. I lost a hob after i had moved it from one court to another because it had Distemper.It managed to bite through the mesh and escape,i found out where it was 5 weeks later.It had turned up in a fella's garden about 400yds away,and he'd built it a hutch and kept it for his grandkids.I didn't have the heart to take it back as the kids were crying when i turned up to collect it.
  15. Well duck,that is either a brave or stupid post, or maybe both. Because you have not said otherwise I assume you are talking about sub 12ft/lb. In which case you should not be taking a shot at anything 70 yards away. But you did, and you got lucky. Out of interest how high did you have to aim to pull of this amazing feat. By my calculations Tote, a medium weight .22 pellet fired from a sub 12ftlb gun would have dropped about 3 feet at 70 yds.if it was a .177 it would have still dropped about 22 inches.I cant be precise as my software only shows pellet drop to 50yds for su
  16. We seem to be good at wasting chance's and then being turned over.I thought Ireland played really well,and i love the way they always try and run the ball.This f*****g kicking goals mullarky gets right on my nerves.I think the 6 nations is between Ireland and Wales now,best of luck to both of them.Bill
  17. bill88


    I'm not a fan of Arsenal,but that was f*****g awful and my heart went out to the lad.I hope its not as bad as it looked,but if i'm realistic i can't see him playing again.I agree with Gnasher that sides are sent out to "bully" arsenal in order to rattle them,but i don't think Taylor was trying to do anything malicious,it was just unfortunate.
  18. The "ins and outs" i've just sprayed coffee all over my keyboard and screen.
  19. Easy to repair,and cheap parts.You can shop around,but chambers have everything you need. http://www.gunspares.co.uk/shopdisplayprod...33&cat=1322 If you need help with stripping or rebuilding the gun ask here. http://www.network54.com/Forum/275684/
  20. Just wondered what peoples view's are on running a bitch while in season.My colliexgrey has always been "clean" when in season,just a few drops of blood and slight swelling so i've usually just cut down the amount of work,but not stopped completely.My BeddyxWhippet is in her first season now (12 months old) and is very swollen,and very bloody,so i've not bothered running her at all for the last fortnight.I've heard different views on this over the years,my old man would stop working the bitch for a month,whilst ive heard of others who just carry on as normal.Some say the hormone changes effect
  21. bill88


    She has some lungs on her,absolutely great voice.Seems soul is making a comeback,Amy Winehouse (waste of talent) and Adelle.Heres Duffy on Jools Hootenanny covering "first cut is the deepest" f*****g awesome.
  22. Speedy recovery mate,all the best,Bill and family
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