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Everything posted by bill88

  1. Wouldn't mind some of them myself Might sell the dogs and get some,i could catch the bunnies myself
  2. so what if you left to puffters looking after your kids and they started kissing in front of them bill ....is that no big deal ...to me it aint fecking natural .... ....what they do behind closed doors well thats up to them .....fair enough .........i suppose darcy millet and wilf are ok ....who gives a feck ... Snoop ffs mate,i think they'd have more tact than to start "gettin it on" in front of my kids My kids are 19,11,and 9,even the youngest understands what "gay" means,if anything they find the whole idea of men kissing men,and women kissing women highly amusing.If they see somet
  3. Sounds like my kind of cure trapper
  4. Been done to death this argument but heres my views.Firstly can i say that i am not knocking all whippets,some of the working strains are fantastic dogs.And in a straight race would roast a BeddyxWhippet. It musn't be too big,most beddyxwhips are between 18-21 tts It must be fast off the mark,well beddyxwhips are no slouches i can assure you. Learn quickly,my bitch has been catching bolters since 6 months of age. Have loads of guts,Bedlingtonx's are renowned for there fire and determination. Now heres what else a BeddyxWhippet has. Better feet. Better coat (always handy when stand
  5. Live and let live i say,i have absolutely no problem with gay people.I really wouldn't want to be gay myself,but what they do in private is there business.I know a few gay people of both sexe's,and they are good people,and i would have no worries about leaving my children with them.Its the hetrosexual wierdo's we should be worrying about
  6. bill88


    Bit of an anti climax in the end,sure it will liven up in the next few races though.Hamilton was clinical today though,had the safety car not interupted,he'd have been long gone.High light for me was David Coulthard saying live on itv that when he caught up with Massa "if he doesn't admit it was his fault i'll knock seven bells out of the little b*****d"
  7. bill88

    dukes of hazzard

    Fook! who ate all the pies ..... Jasper your an evil man.
  8. Tanks Bill,....The code there was the same as DVD Hacks. Tried it again and got it to work, you have to press the buttons pretty quick to get the code accepted I also learnt that the dvd player does not retain the code if you unplug the machine. Glad you got it sorted mike.Spot on with the unplugging bit mate,it resets the player,so you can insert the code again.
  9. bill88

    dukes of hazzard

    Yeh Malt just close yer eyes and think of "denim shorts" lol
  10. bill88

    dukes of hazzard

    Not quite the stunner she used to be "VIAGRA ANYONE?"
  11. Fair play to you DD,your pups your choice.I wouldn't be explaining myself to anyone,if you aint sure where there goin,wait till you are.
  12. bill88

    Hymns & Arias

    Well done lads,now wheres my Welsh phrase book
  13. Tell us that one about how you won the world cup. How did the jock's get on today Hey we did what we're best at "LOSING" but we can still party. Anyway i'm doing some geneaology research see if i have any Welsh ancestors COME ON WALES
  14. Tell us that one about how you won the world cup.
  15. Didn't i say exactly the same thing last week Brian moore=twat http://www.thehuntinglife.com/forums/index...st&p=453469
  16. what bred it is this dog mate She's BeddiexWhippet mate.
  17. Nice gesture that mate,take a bow.
  18. If the dog is to be used purely for ferreting i'd say the smaller the better i.e. Whippet or Whippet x.I use one of these and she's bang on at the ferreting game.
  19. Come on Wales,winning the 6 nations is nothing less than deserved.
  20. Spot on there keeper. All the best tomorrow lads,you deserve to win the 6 nations.
  21. Try here mate,always worked for me. http://www.dvd.reviewer.co.uk/reviews/ChannelReviews.asp
  22. The rescue centre is basically the garden of a semi detached house,not some bespoke rescue centre in a prime location.The woman was very apologetic and explained that over the last year only two owners had come forward to collect there ferrets.I've been mulling it over all day and to be honest i'm now about to blow.I really don't want the woman getting any flack as she seemed very genuine,and believe it or not worked her own ferrets,but i'm still stunned that they castrated my hob after less than 24 hours I now have to make arrangements to find and use the services of another vasectomised hob
  23. Great news,thank you everyone who posted.
  24. I'm made up,what a great bit of news.I hope she is well,and isn't scarred by this ordeal,and i hope when they jail the scumbag reponsible he gets what's coming to him.
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