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Everything posted by bill88

  1. Stork, if your buying the beer i might just take a trek over.Mines a guinness mate
  2. Great Link, do you or any body know who the band is that plays the theme music, i think it was a band from the 80s BIRD
  3. http://www.thehuntinglife.com/forums/index...st&p=420154
  4. From the greatest of all time,and i quote, "after winning a gold medal i returned to my home town,i went into a diner and sat down,the waiter said to me "sir we don't serve blacks in here" "thats ok" i replied "i couldnt eat a whole one anyway" Ali was the greatest heavyweight of all time,Tyson wasnt fit to hold his spit bucket.I had the pleasure of meeting the great man in 1984.Out of the ring he was a humble and gracious man. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e-PqasYEswc
  5. Cracking post Compo I thought the programme cleared up a few points,namely how the Rag Tabloids that masquerade as newspapers tried holding them to ransom,by telling them to tell there own story rather than them make it up.What a shower of c**ts the tabloids are.F*****g sad that people with nothing were selling raffle tickets and doing sponsored walks to raise money to print "find Shannon" leaflets,where was Richard Branson then? obviously the wrong image for his products.What a joke this country is,we're back to the haves and the have nots.A young kid is missing and because of her mothers sl
  6. Let your fingertips callous up mate,if you protect them they'll always get sore.Take it from me mate i learnt the hard way when playing the guitar,just play for 10-15 mins each time till your fingertips start hardening.
  7. Nutrogena,its not much kop Kay.Looks and feels like lard,then once its on i really couldn't be swinging a hammer,it could end up anywhere
  8. I suffer big time Al,split on my knuckle i've had for weeks now just keeps splitting when i think its healed.
  9. "Donkey ee orr" Brilliant.I remember seeing him on the James whale radio show years ago,used to near piss meself just looking at his face.He was uncle peter as well on "Vic and Bob".
  10. Looking well mate,hows young Rommel doing,have you still got him?
  11. Very exciting in his prime,but lost his way after Cus D'mato died,and was raped himself by Don King.Having said all that Tyson relied on intimidation,and once Douglas beat him he lost his main weapon.Good value for money,but was never in the same league as the like's of Ali and lewis,
  12. I have a striker with the VF bulb fitted,did have it on an 18ah battery but it was TOO heavy.Now got it on two 7ah batteries,get about 2.5 hours each out of them.
  13. It'll be more than capable mate
  14. You can buy "slip on" silencers mate,but you'll need to measure the thickness of the barrel (precisely) to find the correct size.Another option is a slip on adaptor with threads that will then allow you to fit a threaded silencer.HTH's.Bill
  15. Wilf you kill me mate,i've just sprayed my lunch all over the keyboard
  16. bill88


    Sorry mate,i thought you were having a dig at me.Please accept my apologies.All the best,Bill
  17. bill88


    Forgive my ignorance,but i had no idea what Stockholm syndrome was (have just googled it) Have trawled the net looking for an up to date report on the case,but can't find anything more enlightening than whats been reported on the news so far.
  18. bill88


    Thats all that matters Bullrunner. Just wondered why someone would put a sarcastic reply onto a topic like this Mr wildfowler
  19. bill88


    Am i right in assuming your well thought out reply was directed at me? Was that directed at me Bill if so dont get u? No mate,it was directed at mr wildfowler.
  20. bill88


    Am i right in assuming your well thought out reply was directed at me?
  21. bill88


    This whole story stinks of double standards.The tabloids who found the whole case unworthy of newspace while this poor girl was missing,are now doing a "character assasination" on Shannons mother.While i agree 100% she wasn't what you'd call a model parent,is she any worse than the McCanns? These were "professional" people with status and influence,who as far as im concerned displayed blatant disregard for there childrens safety and well being.They left a 3 year old and her 18 month old twin brother and sister alone in an appartment in a foreign country,while they partied FFS If the tabloids
  22. Yes im sure thats what they were looking for when they first used Bedlington blood.
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