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Everything posted by bill88

  1. Yo Momma's so fat,last time she sunbathed on the beach,they dragged her back into the sea.
  2. Thats great news mate,all the best to you and the family.Bill
  3. You can buy crayfish traps on ebay for as little as a fiver,but make sure they are well hidden when set.Or get the kids down there with crab lines and bacon rind
  4. Fine looking beast mate,and for FREE! hope he grafts as well as he looks.All the best,Bill
  5. Sean is spot on the dog must be "under control" that doesn't mean on a lead.Secondly a farmer must catch the dog "in the act" of worrying stock.Thirdly,there is no trespass law in this country,you can only be prosecuted for causing damage by trespass (fences,crops,etc). As a few have said,if it were me out with my dogs and children,id have beat f*ck out of him,and then contacted the police.My kids are the most precious thing in the world to me,and discharging a firearm near my children is provocation enough for a beating. I would contact the police and follow this matter up.
  6. Im sure everything will be fine Tam,but i can understand the families concern.Tell the family i was asking after them and the wee fella,and i hope all goes well and he's back home soon.All the best to you and the family,and especially wee Leon.Bill
  7. A fair and honest appraisal Max Having watched the fight 3 times now,Joes winning margin has grown each time.
  8. A christmas card and a bottle of whisky is what ive always "paid" for permission.If a farmer who is getting pest control free of charge! asked me to pay for doing him a favour,i'd tell him to go f*ck himself.Now if i was asked to help clear a few ditches,or help repairing the fencing i'd happily oblige,but no way would i pay in pound notes for "permission"
  9. Hopkins tried every trick in the book to con the judges but luckily the truth prevailed.I had Hopkins winning round 1 by a 10-8 then he won round 3 and round 9.How the f*ck can a man going backwards landing less than 10 punches a round win the fight FFS.Joe adapted as many said he couldn't and did the job,i had it 117- 111 Calzaghe.The so called low blow was shown to be on the waistband,and even when confronted by the video replay Hopkins couldn't speak the truth.I ranked Hopkins very highly but his dirty tricks and lack of humility have changed my mind,he was beat hands down,yet still whined
  10. The fight was talked about many times.....but as with most of the top yanks they disregarded calzaghe when joe made it clear from early on that he wouldnt go to america,and rightly so in my opinion....america is the boxing capital of the world thats just how it is....in his book calzaghe himself asks why he should travel when he is champ.....then he hinted at his fear of flying.....so why go now ???....joe never wanted career defining fights...he wanted to keep an unbeaten record at any cost.....he also admitted he has never taken a fight he thought he might lose....this fight could and should
  11. started to download it then norton popped up saying it was harmfull What were you trying to download Sopcast? if you are running windows vista,and Norton anti virus,you'll have probs.
  12. Joe and Hopkins could never have shared the ring untill recently.Joe Calzaghe is a very big super middleweight who has struggled to make the weight for most of his career.Hopkins was a "real" middleweight and has only recently been campaigning at light heavy,so to ask the question "why" they didnt meet before is obvious.As for avoiding people,the answer is self explanatory NO ONE wanted to fight Calzaghe,he was very heavy handed and very awkward.I'd love someone to give me a list of the fighters Calzaghe ducked.Just for the record,Roy Jones Junior is considered the greatest pound for pound fig
  13. I wouldn't remember Budgie Tam,im too young However when Channel 4 first came on i watched the Budgie reruns religiously.My older sister was always watching rock follies,and dreaming
  14. I am f*cking speechless.
  15. Milbemax tablets are supposedly the best wormers on the market. Spot on there Tote,Milbemax are the best but not available without prescription.Milbemax treats all worms,Drontal only treats Tapeworm,and Roundworm.
  16. Check out the Setanta website,you can subscribe to Setanta through your Sky/Virgin box,or if you have the card type freeview box you can get the fight by registering with Setanta,you can also get Setanta broadband,which is basically an online version of Setanta,but you must have a "fixed" uk I.P address.HTH's,Bill
  17. Apple Cider Vinegar is used on poultry as a preventative treatment,but not cure for worms.It works by making the gut "hostile" to the worms by raising the acid levels.My old man always gave it to his hens and dogs,both as a wormer and tonic.
  18. Calzaghe on points,Hopkins age is irrelevant as he is in fantastic shape even for a man of 43.Hopkins is also very very clever,and very dirty and will try everything to unsettle Joe.I agree with the comments about Joe being in a no win situation,if he lose's the yanks will say "i told you so" and if he wins it'll be "Hopkins was past his best".I'd love to see Joe KO Hopkins but i can't see it happening.It'll be interesting to see if the occasion and the venue get to Calzaghe,and whether Cortez will let Hopkins get away with his dirty tricks as he never let Hatton lay a glove on Mayweather?
  19. Staffy do you know who the local smegheads are? i'll bet any money mate that some dirty junkie has/had your dog and is waiting for the fuss to die down before trying to sell it on to buy his shite.I wouldn't give up hope mate,and i bet the dog is still local.
  20. http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=_Q7kUFS-0XQ&...feature=related
  21. Dennis Leary legend I have the "no cure for cancer" dvd absolute class.
  22. Divers bottle every time,there are no advantages in using a stirrup pump.Pumps are hard work,dirty unless filters are changed regularly,and with the build up of heat cause condensation in the guns cylinder which is VERY BAD!Divers bottle is clean,quick,and easy,and only costs a couple of quid to have refilled.
  23. Chid your letting the side down ya w*nker.
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