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Everything posted by bill88

  1. Offal is very good feeding for your dogs but only in moderation.Mine get offal twice a week (heart,lungs,liver) and look well on it.
  2. Rabbit Stifado,it a Greek spicy stew and the best rabbit i've tasted.I'll try and find the recipe for you. http://www.recipezaar.com/106996
  3. Just wondered if i'm a freak (don't feckin start!! lol) but i have a 45 inch chest and an 18 inch neck.When i buy a shirt that fits around the chest,i cant do the collar up,and if i buy a shirt that fits my neck its like a feckin nightshirt.I've spent the last 3 hours trying to buy a shirt that fits my neck and my chest,but have had no joy.Any idea's?
  4. I have a Striker 170,only use mine for bunnies and cant really fault it.Plenty bright enough for most places and a really tight beam.
  5. bill88


    Im pretty sure they have to be pickled soft.Make sure you have rubbergloves on,the husk will stain your hands bright yellow,and after trying in vain to scrub it off, your hands will become bright purple,and stay that way for weeks I worked in Greece a few years back and they didn't pick theres till September,so i reckon over here it would be about the same time as the conkers (early October).HTH's
  6. The Randolph Turpin story was a very sad affair,and as already pointed out it wasn't helped by the "hangers on" Randolph did the unthinkable and beat the great sugar Ray Robinson,although he was to lose to Robinson in a rematch.Randolph was talked into some very risky business deals that ultimately led to huge debts, serious depression.and suicide at the age of just 37. He could of been one of the greats of boxing R.I.P Randolph. Got to say my favourite boxer was me although i decided to retire when i was asked to put adverts on the soles of my boots. For me its got to be Ali and Leonard,
  7. Cheers lads,Kreet im Scottish but now live in the Midlands,not sure where youd find Red Signals back home.The trap was baited with kippers that were left in the sun for a day.What i would say is try and wrap some mesh around the bait as they will strip it in minutes if just left lying inside the trap.John they will be going on my barbe sometime next weekend mate
  8. Hey Rolfe the Krays aint a patch on these fella's,these are proper "badasse's" i know cos i had to try and peel one off that bit of skin between my fore finger and thumb
  9. Hamed won't be making a comeback anytime soon,the guy is just teasing the press.He was cocky,arrogant,a show off,but he was also a class act.In his prime he'd have taken Barrera apart inside a few rounds,but by the time he did fight him he was way past it and was given a boxing lesson Amir Khan isn't on my christmas card list and although he can box and bang a bit,he isn't as gifted as he thinks he is.In the boxing press today he's talking about fighting the winner of the Diaz V Paquiao fight and says " they are both great fighters but he could beat both of them" Dream on Amir,stick to fig
  10. Was clearing the shed last week and found some old plastic mesh.Decided to have a go a knocking up a crayfish trap (last two i've paid for have been stolen after being set) bit of mesh,some garden twine,and half a dozen cable ties and VOILA!! job done.Set it in a local hotspot for 2 hours just before dark,and ended up with 23 decent sized crays.
  11. Good news mate There will be no stopping her now,roll on October.
  12. Found this beauty flying around my Tomato plants,thought id get a couple of pics before setting it free.
  13. bill88

    AVG Free

    Have downloaded and installed the latest version of AVG Free (8.0.100) computer is now running like bag of shite.I've defragged and done a registry clean,but still can't seem to speed things up.Anyone else having similar probs ? and have you found a cure? Thanks in advance. If anyone can help
  14. bill88


    Ive got a tent you can borrow Witter the quitter,what a fraud.Ranting about fighting Hatton for the last few years and gets taken to school by a youngster.Well done Bradley.
  15. bill88


    So thats your criteria for a new goverment? no f*****g wonder hunting was banned in the first place!!! Me i care more about my childrens future,id rather swim in my own shite than vote that shower of c***s back in.Cannot believe you people are so blinded by Camerons propaganda,you honestly believe that the tories will repeal the ban. What a f*****g joke. SO you reckon this load of fannies are better get fecking real. and i aint talking about hunting. Where in my post does it say i am behind the Labour party? NOWHERE! they are a shower of c**ts,but i left school in 1983 and rem
  16. bill88

    Man Utd

    Its simple really.Chelsea=MONEY, Man u= CLASS.How many would admit to following Chelsea 15 years ago? answer no c**t,nowadays its Chelsea this Chelsea that.
  17. Ken Livingstone= Clown Boris johnson= a bigger clown,Labour= arseholes Conservatives =bigger lying arseholes.Bit of a no brainer.Vote for NONE OF THE ABOVE!!
  18. bill88


    So thats your criteria for a new goverment? no f*****g wonder hunting was banned in the first place!!! Me i care more about my childrens future,id rather swim in my own shite than vote that shower of c***s back in.Cannot believe you people are so blinded by Camerons propaganda,you honestly believe that the tories will repeal the ban. What a f*****g joke.
  19. bill88


    More chance of getting struck by lightning on the way to pick up my lottery jackpot payout.
  20. Aye,and BIG JOCK KNEW.
  21. Thanks Roybo,thats an honest view of how it was and hopefully we can do it.
  22. YESSSSSSS!!!! We will not be denied!!! Manchester here we come!!!!! Come on all you non believers,what have you got to say now? Theres only one team in Glasgow the mighty Glasgow Rangers. FOR THERES NOT A TEAM LIKE THE GLASGOW RANGERS NO NOT ONE AND THERE NEVER SHALL BE ONE
  23. bill88

    old firm

    PRESS RELEASE FROM CELTIC PARK Gordon Strapon would like to apologise to all the Celtic fans who missed Celtics "End Of Season" Party.He forgot to mention it was last December. Artur Boruc has been fined and reprimanded by the Celtic board after being found guilty of "Moonlighting" Boruc admitted to the board that he had missed training on several occasions,due to his "second job".In October of last year Boruc was seen getting into a transit minibus with a number of other people at 5am.Mr Smith of "Smiths Farms" said Mr Boruc was one of his best employees,and could pick "B
  24. bill88

    old firm

    A minor blip,the cream always rise's to the top. Bouncy Bouncy Bouncy Bouncy la la la la la la!!!
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