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Everything posted by bill88

  1. Is there room for a wee beddyxwhippet on one of your harvest days Rolfe? Looks like an ideal start to the season for the muts.
  2. Some fine looking animals there lads,a credit to you all.
  3. Sire of my young bitch was a Wheeler dog.He's a very stocky bully looking dog,and a little too keen at times,and has the scars to prove it.My young bitch on the other hand is a very nice natured and "crafty" dog,seems to have a bit more brain.
  4. Absolutely spot on Chris,its legalized fecking exploitation,and robbery.
  5. My old 5/8x3/8 Hancock bitch,retired now but a very capable dog in her day.
  6. Local fair to me was Arbury,cost me £15 for a family ticket and there was plenty going on,and open day at the local hunt kennels cost £2 for the car and 5 of us.£52 is just taking the piss
  7. I've got a belt with 2 12v 7ah batteries on.I get 2-2 1/2 hours off each battery with my striker,charging with a Powakaddy 4 stage charger.I have tried a 12v 18 ah golf trolley battery which lasted for ever but was just too heavy and cumbersome in the field.
  8. bill88

    FAO TOMO!!

  9. hows she doing mate . i was tempted to breed another litter to keep one for myself but ended up having bitch spayed and brought another whippet of mike brown. good luck with her this season She's doing well mate,started to muscle up now.Lovely natured,but will not back down if it kicks off.Very quick little bitch and can turn on a sixpence.Took her out a few times last winter with another forum member,he couldn't believe just how good her nose is,he reckoned she was part Hound Couple of pics here. http://www.thehuntinglife.com/forums/index...st&p=588427
  10. My bitch is 18.5 inches tts and 24.5 pounds.I bought her purely for ferreting and the odd lamping trip.She's 17 months old now and hopefully doing the biz properly this coming season.
  11. Horse's for course's,my BeddyxWhippet bitch does everything i want her to.As a ferreting dog she is faultless, she didn't do much last winter on the lamp as she was only a baby,im sure this season will be much better.She's 17 months old now,and nothing like the timid wee skinny thing i had out over the winter.
  12. I don't run my dogs at this time of year,but if the farmer wants the rabbits gone,then you have no option from a pest control point of view.I still don't agree with it though,give your quarry a chance.
  13. What police force does Swindon come under "thames Valley"? This morning on the BBC Breakfast news,there was a report on dog theft.It said that Thames Valley and Kent police had special units dealing with missing dogs.Id keep pestering them and tell them you believe the dog is with someone else.Absolute joke that they aren't interested,what do we pay taxe's for?
  14. Sadly its a bit far from me (i'm in the midlands) as i have been looking for a supplier.
  15. bill88

    Happy Birthday

    Another year nearer the bus pass mate All the best mate,have a good un,and lets have a look at that birth certificate of yours
  16. Starve yerself for 24 hours Rick and get plenty of water down yer neck mate.As a last resort Imodium will have ye shitting bricks in no time,but wont do anything for sickness.
  17. One of mine,he is a powerful dog and has a huge head on him.He was bred by another forum member.No idea whether there is any Bull blood in the breeding,just worker to worker as far as i'm aware.
  18. Absolutely mate They interviewed Mark monday and he sounded mighty pissed off about being squeezed out of the sprint by some of the other teams.Well done Mark Cavendish!!
  19. Dunno about dogs,but i've bitten a few people meself Nothing more effective at getting someone to release there grip on you in a clinch.
  20. Spot on Gaz.Its a domino effect,the minute there are any problems with oil or war everything goe's tits up across the globe,and the Iraq war and Bushe's so called "war on terror" is nothing but propaganda designed to cover up Bushe's plans to control the worlds oil supplies.
  21. Looks well Poach,good nut on him.
  22. Esmeralda,the bells the bells!!!
  23. Bloody hell mate,prunes and a skinfull I'd have been scared to move more than a few steps from the lavvie
  24. Cheers Ditch i'll check the yellow pages. Tess you know i'm a tight arse,i'm more your "tesco tearaway" type when it comes to shirts and the like. Kay are you married to Mike Tyson ? Remind me not to get into an argument with your fella Jack i aint black and i can't speak Italian I reckon Pavarotis shirt would make a good tent though. Must be just the shops i use Gnash,but i've always had the same trouble mate.
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