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Everything posted by bill88

  1. Stubby dont worry theres still time to run for it,i can come and rescue you mate no worries All the best to you and the future mrs mate from me and mine.
  2. bill88


    For your first pcp i would suggest an Air Arms S200 mate,cheap as chips,and a very good tool.Have a look in the classifieds on here or take a look on the Airgun bbs site,theres always one or two for sale.All the best,Bill
  3. Are you sure its a pure Whippet? Sounds a bit large to me,even the non ped racing whippets i have seen have been nowhere near that height.My BeddyxWhippet bitch came from a mating between a Beddy bitch and a 21inch Whippet. I personally wouldn't put a dog that size over a 15inch bitch.
  4. Cheers mate,i'll get meself down to the safari park with a shovel and bucket
  5. Cheers for the advice Gaz,might be an idea speaking to the police.Dont really want tae make a song and dance about it,but the neighbour just seems a bit uninterested in my comments about what may happen.
  6. Kay i wouldn't want anything to happen to the cat,and im trying my best to try and prevent anything happening,but its not fair that my dogs are being kept out of there own garden.I don't think my neighbour inderstands that my dogs will kill the cat,there will be no chance of it posturing and hissing,then who's to blame?
  7. Could someone who may know, tell me what are the legalities regarding a cat entering your property and being attacked by one or more of your dogs? My neighbour has recently acquired a kitten,and as with all kittens it is exploring its surroundings.My worry is that if it fell into my garden whilst climbing on the fence,or was stalking my chickens and the dogs spotted it,i know what the outcome would be.I have spoken with the neighbour and explained that my dogs are not broken to cats,and that there isn't much chance of me rescuing the cat if the dogs got it first yet her answer is "oh cats are
  8. Bit of a long shot mate,but my brother does a lot of farm sales and always get travellers at them.I'll show him the pic. P.S. a proper dogman wouldn't take the reward money,hope the dog turns up safe and well mate
  9. bill88

    must be love

    She should be sponsored by Strongbow Trace.
  10. Not a bad first effort Mark,i dont run mine out of season but if the farmer wanted me too then i would for the sake of keeping my permission.Keep at them mate,Bill
  11. That Ted should be muzzled,is nothing safe from that bad ass.
  12. Eamon,different people have different theories on this,some say that the lack of Testosterone will change the dogs state of mind, some say it just stops them breeding.I have no experience of neutered working dogs,so cant really comment,but if i had a choice i'd leave a dog "intact" unless itwas detrimental to its health.
  13. bill88


    Scarey thought,but maybe Jurassic park could become a reality Maybe Bull x's slipped on Velociraptors
  14. bill88


    Here you go,if you can afford it the koreans can clone your best worker. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/asia-pacific/7542338.stm
  15. I know looks aren't everything but thats a fine looking animal,a real credit to you Tomo.On paper id say a dog around the 22inch mark and 35-45lbs would be the ideal rabbit tool.Have to say i reckon Tomo,and Markbricks dogs will take some beating on paper.All the best to everyone who's entered.
  16. Blitz should have a 100watt bulb mate.
  17. Which model is it ? i have a striker 170,i use either 75watt or 100watt depending where im lamping.More than bright enough out to 100 yards and more.
  18. Aye mate theres a few others i could put up,but the wife will only bar me from the computer again
  19. I know of some very good grafters that were undershot/overshot,if its in them they'll do the biz regardless.
  20. Clipped terriers look terrible,and clipping will ruin the coat.Put the time and effort in to strip the dog,youll be glad you did in the long run.
  21. Sorry to here about butch p***y,get a drink down ye mate,no shame in being upset about the dog mate.All the best,Bill
  22. Can't get over how similar looking Stanley and my bitch are Coyote,they almost look like litter mates.Nice dogs mate.
  23. One here i think mate,but might be a bit far. http://www.thehuntinglife.com/forums/index...showtopic=59054
  24. ,hows she coming on anyway,hope all is well Aye mate she's coming on well.She did a wee bit last season with the ferrets and a couple of shines on the lamp,but she was only a baby really.She's filled out and muscled up now so hopefully be ready for this season.All the best,Bill
  25. Handsome dog mate ,similar stamp to my bitch.
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