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Everything posted by bill88

  1. Undisputed,are you at the bucky again ?? Nicely put mate.
  2. Dogs excrete (shite) waste,if you were to take two dogs to the toilet and observe them shitting,you would find that the dog fed on raw shits next to nothing whilst the dog fed on dry would leave a pile.This tells me enough about dry dog food i.e. most of whats in it is bulking agent.I'll admit that some of the more expensive brands,Burns,Arden Grange,James Well Beloved seem to be reasonably well made i still think a dog fed on barf and a combination of fruit,veg,and grain would be more nourished and hopefully healthier.I dont see a problem with throwing in a handfull of dry along with some "re
  3. nice dog their bill looks a strong one like mine Thanks smashy.My old man bred and worked 1st cross and 3/4 cross borderxgreys for over 40 years,he seen this bitch doing a bit shortly before he died and was impressed.
  4. how olds that dog? The bitch is ten years old,and there are other forum members who can vouch for this bitch's working ability.The one point i will mention is that she was a very slow starter
  5. My old Hancocks bitch now retired,done all quarry in her day.
  6. bill88

    Camo man?

    I heard he's being held hostage In Millets love dungeon by Darcy, Millet and Mr B.Apparently they have dressed him in a real tree gimp suit,and are taking it in turns to "man love" him. :sick: Thats why i have started a new campaign group to help camo man.If you can help in any way please contact me at www.freethethlone.cum
  7. Seeing my wife and kids happy,and hopefully improving the lives of the people i help each week whilst doing voluntary work for a local charity.
  8. The man is awesome,fair play to him i hope he has a long injury free career and breaks the records again.Nice to hear someone humble doing the biz,i thought his attitude and modesty was fantastic.Well done Usain
  9. Theres some mossy oak gear being sold at most of the shows.Jacket and trousers for £50-£60 waterproof,windproof and breathable.Not Goretex good,but still up to a few hours lamping.I'd give the cheap plastic waterproofs a wide berth mate,they are f*cking useless,not only do they tear (and then leak) easily,but you'd sweat like a Turkish Wrestler after five minutes.
  10. Sense at last.All the best mate.
  11. F*ck me here we go again Some people must lay awake in bed at night worrying about Hancocks and his dogs. Gavmac what you are saying is spot on mate,but some folk like the look of Hancocks dogs,and others that are new to the game buy because they see the ad in CMW and he always seems to have a litter,even if the majority were shite, on numbers bred alone one or two good dogs will be produced.Having a "challenge" proves nothing,and i dont remember anyone stating that Hancocks dogs were "this or that".As i have said numerous times I WOULD NOT BUY A DOG FROM HANCOCK,but i took on a Hancocks bi
  12. My beddyxwhippet had it twice as a pup.I put her on a cooked chicken and rice diet for a week and also gave her Bio yoghurt.Fingers crossed she has had no problems since.Do some research via Google and you will find lots of treatments including a good few homeopathic remedies which i honestly believe are best.As already said colitis covers anything involving the lower bowel,so may be something as silly as diet.I give my dogs live yoghurt and a teaspoon of Apple Cider Vinegar at least once a week,and i believe this helps keep the gut in order.I wouldn't get to wound up at the mo mate.HTH'S,Bill
  13. Tell you what Gaz,if he came out for the 200 metre final in a rasta hat with dreads hanging out the back,now that would be class.
  14. All my terriers tremble when they are put in the back of the motor,its just excitement,and it isn't accompanied by tail wagging.
  15. The man is a freak of nature,i dont think there are any drugs involved.Historically sprinters have been short and stocky,more recently they have become a lot leaner with far more emphasis on technique .Usain Bolt was told he was too tall to be a sprinter and was told to try for the 400 metres instead,Usain decided to prove the doubters wrong,and boy hasn't he!! Most of the drugs cheats in sprinting over the years have had very similar physiques i.e. Ripped! Usain Bolt looks more like a basketball player than a sprinter,he's just found a way to get his very long legs moving quickly.On the sub
  16. I'll do it Snoop me old mate,pick me up about 9pm.Im in the west midlands Have a good night mate.
  17. The b*stards have only gone and rounded it off to 9.69
  18. I can't believe that im a fecking clairvoyant.Should of had a bet.
  19. I'm gonna stick my neck out and go with 9.68 Tomo
  20. I think as usual the Hancocks thread has caused arguments and disputes between forum members,and over the usual points.My take on this is simple,why we may not agree with Mr Hancocks methods,its wrong to slate the working ability of all the dogs he's bred.I have a Hancocks bitch here (retired) that i took on after my brother split with his wife,While she was no world beater at any one discipline,as an all rounder i'd have matched her against most dogs no question.Another Hancocks dog that a friend mine owned in the early 90's was as he described "the best f*cking fox dog ive ever owned" the gu
  21. Has anyone been watching the 100 metres heats and/or semis.That Usain Bolt is awesome,he looks like he is jogging and slows up with half the race still left yet still wins easily.I have a feeling the final will be between him and Powell,and i thinkthe world record will go.
  22. bill88


    Watch your dogs mate,i caught two c*nts looking at my dogs over the garden fence.When i approached and asked what the f*ck they were doing,one of them says (in a p***y accent) we was looking for scrap pal,nice dogs have they done anything".Needless to say i chased them,but i was paranoid they'd be back.Its a dog thiefs trick to arrange to view a dog or just phone for an address.Just be careful mate.
  23. bill88


    Sorry to hear about Bess Kay,im sure you gave her a good life though mate.Bill,and family
  24. Isn't Exeter a town then Ollie?? There are plenty of complete pricks living in the country, so don't blame just town dwellers. There are few real bad dogs that haven't been made that way by the brain dead fuckwits that own them. I see a growing trend round here for wannabee gangsters to have a bull cross. These inadequate dimwits think walking around with a big dog makes them look hard. Unfortunately, they know diddley-squat about dogs and their pathetic efforts at training usually result in an aggressive, barely in control very unhappy dog. Dogs are too easily obtained, and too many so cal
  25. Out and out ferreting dog? my first choice would be a BeddyxWhippet,biased i may be but i've been out ferreting with a few different crosse's over the years,and they excell at this job.My bitch is quiet,obedient,100% at marking,and very rarely does a bolter get past her.
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