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Everything posted by bill88

  1. Do not compare a bull dog in this top condition to a body builder . A body builder is the most unfit and unhealthy sports man there is ,these dogs are far from that and are not conditioned to build muscle And your point is?? Are my lurchers and terriers "poorer" specimens because they are not ripped with muscle? The point i was making is NO animal human or otherwise could become so muscled without "unnatural" training and diet.Perhaps someone with a dog in similar condition can tell us how they acheive this "physique".My father and his father bred and worked dogs all there lives,im pret
  2. I think the dog looks f*cking ridiculous and totally unnatural.As someone already pointed out its probably a result of a religious training regime along with a strict diet,and a generous helping of Creatine.Body builders dont get in tournament condition through training and diet alone,as is well documented ,its heavy steroid use and an almost zero fat diet,along with removing all sodium from the diet in order to lessen water retention in the muscles prior to competition.I refuse to believe a dog like that is actually any more capable of work than a fit/healthy and more naturally shaped dog.JMO
  3. Shame Ditch isnt around anymore Mal,that looks like just the kind of beast Ditch liked.Best of luck finding a good home for it.
  4. I usually have a look at my local hunts open day,i have picked up a decent second hand horn for less than a tenner.
  5. SACS All the way.As a member of the hunting life full membership of SACS will cost you £22 a year and if you happen to be under 18 years of age its completely free.Insurance cover is on a par with the other organisations,and any insurance claims will dealt with by the insurance company and not scrutinised by the organisation first (quicker and easier claims process).SACS and there legal team will also fight your case in any dispute.Best of all SACS will cover you whilst participating in ANY recognised country sport,unlike some of the other organisations.
  6. Wire them paralell red to red, black to black.If you do it red to black,itll put out 24v.Not sure about charging them separately,i have two 7ah batteries wired in paralell and only charge them together and have no probs.HTH's
  7. What a shame this can't just be banter between rival supporters As for Rangers supporters being mindless hooligans,my local Rangers supporters club raise's thousands of pounds every year for local charities,and some of the members do voluntary work with mentally handicapped kids.At Ted Mcmins testimonial in 2006, 50000 Rangers supporters from all over the world travelled to Derby to show there respect to Ted and his family.They filled the stadium and those that didn't have tickets filled the local bars and clubs,there was NO violence or trouble of any description and the Derby police commente
  8. Clever question Jack,id say the first option is the way to go,but only because the 2nd option was untested.On the subject of "nose" a few folk on here will vouch for the nose on my beddyxwhippet bitch,she amaze's me at times ,and one of my mates reckons she half hound On the subject of bite power,one of my black dogs has a fierce pair of jaws on him and i be very impressed if a Beddy could better it.
  9. If its healed ok id leave well alone.Lots of arguments for and against dew claw removal in running dogs,i have one with and one without.Some say they are prone to damage and should be removed,but ive had a number of running dogs that had dew claws intact and whether i was just lucky,i have never had a dog damage a dew claw.
  10. Well the wife said if i post on this subject again she's gonnae fall out with me.Sorry sweetheart but this is too good an opportunity to miss.After the uefa final last year there are no rules regarding this subject.The great unwashed were played off the park by half a rangers team today,and i say"more of the same please"
  11. Spot on ooty No running dog should be running at large quarry let alone rabbits at 10 months of age.Physically and mentally the dog will be far from mature,and could be injured or ruined by starting t so early.My beddyxwhippet was out ferreting with me,and catching bolters at 7 monthsold,but i never let her run on open ground till she was over a year old.Tale your time and let the pup be a pup.
  12. I agree its ground conditions and not rabbits that alter speed and catch rate.But at times i think the rabbit is very underestimated,on the right ground (for rabbits) ive seen good dogs turn a rabbit and get left standing,they can get up to speed very quickly when conditions suit them,well thats my excuse for my dogs anyway
  13. Im not knocking whippets as ive seen some very good examples,however i just think a small well bred lurcher has many advantages over a pure whippet,better coat,better feet,better stamina,better jaw,and if they are bred right more fire.JMO
  14. Tam we have spoken at length a few times about "dog men" being shafted by other fieldsports organisations and show organisers .I would hate to think that mine and/or others membership fee's were being used to support or promote these beliefs.Did a "small minority" of lurcher owners cause a problem? or is it the "toffs and tweeds" brigade shafting the dog men yet again? Bill
  15. Another year nearer the bus pass eh buddy?? Have a good day mate.
  16. The red tape is ridiculous with adopting a pet.There was a young girl on here who had kept lurchers and greyhounds all her life,yet she wasn't allowed to adopt a dog because she lived in a flat and didn't have access to a garden surrounded by a 6 foot fence and yet she was at home all day and had a good knowledge of the breed.However a "dog novice" with a garden could adopt a dog and leave it by itself all day and walk it to the toilet and back Whole situation stinks with some of these organisations
  17. Dont know what to say mate except keep your chin up and give yourself time,its always a hard situation, but dont make any hasty decisions about getting another dog till your heads straight.All the best,Bill
  18. Thats a commendable attitude mate,but lots of folk out there who wont give a failed worker food or kennel space,which is the point i was trying to make.Having looked at the pic of the dog,its a fine looking animal,obviously saluki in his make up.Certainly looks the part.
  19. Arseholes is the only way to describe them.Look how they f*cked the Bedlington up and then slated Newcombe and others for supposedly ruining the breed by outcrossing them,even though the KC Bedlington of today bears absolutely no resemblance to the original breed.
  20. Nothing wrong with rehoming any rescue dog,and there are plenty about,however if you want the dog purely as a worker thats when it gets complicated.What would you do if you took the dog on and it was useless? would you keep it regardless? if you are happy to give the dog a good life whatever its abilities then id say go get it,but i hate to see dogs passed from pillar to post because they didn't make the grade All the best whatever you decide,Bill
  21. If you intend to work the dog "properly" i would discourage it from chasing rabbits.As for size ive seen some good dogs of varying sizes over the years from 12" to 18" and as for spanning them with your hands,it may sound like a good idea but we all have different size hands and i've seen some very chesty dogs that worked well and always got where they wanted to.
  22. i can just picture it now...three lurchers tangled up in a birds nest on a serious note i would like to know what type of speed these things drag at, and where he gets his line spools from...been looking for something that size for yonks Go ask your local garage if they'd keep the mig wire spool when it runs out of wire.
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