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Everything posted by bill88

  1. Mally thats a fine looking animal mate,a credit to you What sort of feeding/training regime do you have her on,ive never seen a whippet bitch heavily muscled.
  2. aye you said it jamesie Aye so i did ELLA!!
  3. bill88

    whippet lurchers

    Thats not on,if they had any decency they should have waited for you or made other arrangements/left a contact number.Hope you find what your looking for mate,and best of luck with what you buy
  4. Dont trust Scottish people,they are all tight fisted alkys.
  5. Done I forgot to mention i was from the hunting life in my comment.Tell her im a hairy arsed Scotsman fae the hunting life,and give her mine and my families best wishes.Well done to you for bringing it to our attention.
  6. bill88


    Holyfield was a class act,and beat some other very good fighters.He was really a blown up Cruiserweight,but could punch and take a punch at Heavyweight.Sad that he has continued to try and fight at his age,he should have retired at the top.
  7. Well i had a funny shaped carrot a couple of years ago,it always makes folk laugh,but i can't see why.
  8. Absolute class You can see how we were such a great Empire in the past with talent and brains like that.
  9. Im pretty sure someone had a litter on here a couple of years ago,i dont know how they turned out,but they looked the part as pups.
  10. Over 350 yds a Saluki wouldn't get near a Greyhound.Its a bit like putting an 800 or 1500 metre runner against Usain Bolt.If you research dog speeds,most experts reckon a track Greyhound could top 40 mph,whereas a Saluki would be nearer the 30-35 mph mark.Having said all this The arabs have Salukis that will run at 30ish mph for minutes at a time,whilst a track Grey would be fecked after a couple of laps.
  11. Shep nearly all beddiexwhippets are born black.The coat starts to change colour at about 9 weeks.Nice pups by the way pugwash
  12. bill88

    One of my buddies,an all round nice girl and a fellow wine taster lol

  13. The land bordering some of my permission is a victorian bottle dump.The mounds are full of warrens,and the rabbits dig most of the bottles out for you.I haven't a clue what the bottles are but ive got a few here ive picked up when out with the dogs.
  14. Them flea ridden ropey looking things couldn't catch a cold Only kidding mate,well done.
  15. Thats very kind of you to say so Shepp and im flattered mate but im far too oppinonated to write anything serious For those that are interested have a look at this article,i think its a very good appraisal of Amirs performance and future. http://www.eastsideboxing.com/news.php?p=17148&more=1
  16. Gnasher, let me more specific.The greatest fighters and the greatest defensive technicians were still hit (just less often than most) and yes Benn had a nightmare evening that night but Benn wasn't staggered by every moderately hard punch in every fight.Khan is freakishly big for a lightweight and freakishly chinny.I'm stunned that anyone could fail to be shocked at how easily he is tagged,and how easily he kisse's canvas.Whilst im no expert,ive been following this game for 35 years,and i've seen many Khans over the years.Its a sad fact of life that some boxers will not have the necessary attr
  17. When i said Khan was chinny,and Gnasher you made comparisons with Benn and Hearns.Then yes both Hearns and Benn were chinny,but never in the chinny league of Khan.Prescott lands with a jab after seconds of the start,a nothing punch,obviously thrown as a rangefinder yet it rocked Khan to his soles,then a glancing scuff across his temple had him doing a jig.The right and left that followed had him bordering on sleep,long before the "coup de grace" was delivered".Hearns had a slug fest with A prime Leonard and a prime Hagler,and yes he was knocked senseless,but it was an accumulation of punches t
  18. Tommy,heres what me and you said over 12 months ago mate. http://www.thehuntinglife.com/forums/index...st&p=272607
  19. Spot on Tommy,and as anyone with any knowledge of boxing will tell you,punch resistance cannot be improved,if you aint got it you aint got it.I see no way back for Khan,this ko will haunt him forever.The punch that started it all was no more than a scuff across the temple,yet it had him doing a silly dance.The following left hook lifted him off his feet,and any referee worth his salt would and should of stopped the fight at that point.All the boxing skills in the world won't stop a boxer being hit,and at any kind of level Amir has been found wanting in the chin department.
  20. One of the good guys,talks sense not bollocks,and a he's a fellow Celt.

  21. Bill did you say the same back in 89 after watson knocked out benn ? Khans career is a mirror image of benns...2 years of knocking out bums then the first decent opponent they met knocked them out.....benn couldnt take a shot throughout his career but his talent and punch got him to world titles......without doubt khan has taken a shock loss and he paid for his overconfidence.....hopefully he will do what benn did and get a good trainer and learn his trade again....if he does i still believe he will win a version of a world title. Gnasher, i respect you oppinion on all things boxing as
  22. Check my posts from months ago,i predicted this bums downfall a long time ago.FRAUD handpicked opponents and a glass jaw.Only thing Khan was good at was talking rubbish.World title prospect my arse,the yanks will be laughing for months,how anyone took this fool seriously??
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