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Everything posted by bill88

  1. Well done Lewis,youngest ever world champion,BUT!!! did Glock slow down for you on the last lap??
  2. bill88


    you forgot thl chat bill yes mate but only when i have beer and wine.
  3. bill88


    Fishing,Golf,cycling,walking,eating good food and drinking cheap wine,and my favourite pastime is spending quality time with my wife and children.
  4. Wilf your cheque is in the post.
  5. My old man told me years ago that in the 40's and 50's the Irish Terrier was the terrier of choice for putting into lurchers.There was an article and pics in EDRD about Irish Terrier lurchers,but ive no idea what number mag it was,im sure it was an old one (early 90's).Id hazard a guess that working Irish Terriers are few and far between,maybe thats why they fell out of favour??.
  6. bill88


    Theres a clique on there mate sadly.Its a great site with some very knowledgable people,but has a large portion of arseholes.I was barred years ago for asking a clique member to meet me for a chat after he insulted me for no other reason other than a difference of oppinion.The vast majority of members are target shooters and/or gun geeks.At least the shooters on here use guns for there intended purpose,not as ornaments.
  7. bill88


    There is another organisation that speaks for all country sports,and they dont send begging letters. SACS
  8. bill88


    Exactly the reason why im no longer a member of BASC or CA.Yearly membershp fee isnt cheap,and then they have the cheek to bombard you with begging letters and/or try to get you to buy raffle tickets.Amazingly when i received my newsletters from the CA (who represent all country sports supposedly) there were never pictures or stories of lurchers and terriers,just the usual tweed's and toff's fly fishing and shooting.
  9. Im really sorry to hear that Lass.I hope things work out for you and Kev im sure they will.I'll be keeping my fingers crossed for you.All the best,Bill
  10. Pure class,i love those 3 string blues.
  11. Back in my match fishing days 's/90's i used a 12 ft Shakespeare victory 'x' stick float rod with a spliced carbon tip for all my stick float fishing.Ive trawled ebay and the net for one but no joy.Does anyone still own one??
  12. bill88

    rat season

    A wee one my terrier had out of some cover crop.We weren't ratting just walking the dogs.
  13. I made this one for my lad a few years ago.
  14. Tea is a stimulant,and because my body is a temple i never drink anything other than plain old H2O.
  15. Nice looking dog mate,are you sure there isnt a bit of bull in her somewhere?? Her head looks slightly bully in the last pic.As for starting her id just keep excercising her and working on her obedience.I wouldn't slip her on anything till she was 12 months plus.I started taking my beddiexwhippet ferreting at 6 months,but she was only allowed to chase the odd bolter,and this will be her first year doing any lamping (shes now 19 months old) smaller dogs seem to mature quicker than bigger dogs,and running them too soon is asking for trouble.Just let her be a puppy,holding her back will do far mo
  16. bill88


    Well i think its a rip off,i was under the impression that when i donated id be given the password to the Mod's secret photobucket account :kiss:
  17. For lurcherwork the Striker is head and shoulders above anything else.We all moan about the build quality and wiring,but we still keep using them which speaks volumes about just how good the beam is. Ive had a few lamps over the years but the striker is the best beam of all the lamps ive used.
  18. Cracking pics as always mate Myxy didn't show here till late september,but it has devastated rabbit numbers.I was holding the dogs and ferrets back for later this month,but looks like it will be a waste of time even bothering now.
  19. I see the two possible cause's have already been covered.As already mentioned RAW chicken wings and carcass will make your dog shit bricks,this will almost certainly empty the anal glands without the need for sQueezing :sick: My dogs get fed Chicken wings most days ,and never seem to have trouble with "bum skating" Other possible cause is worms,and a dose of Drontal should sort this out easily.Obvious to most,but some people still don't know,NEVER FEED COOKED BONES!!
  20. My dad would take me out with one of his colliexgreys when i was barely walking,he would take me on the local railway embankment and carry me on his shoulders,and when i seen a rabbit i used to scream get get get!! .My two girls have been going fishing,shooting etc etc since they were 5-6 years old.
  21. bill88


    Striker (170) is the ideal tool for bunnies.Blitz is way to big and bright in my oppinion,and the 140 better suited to guns.
  22. Well done Mark,and well done to spep's dog for running Marks dog so close.Nice to hear you all had a good night and that both dogs stayed healthy and injury free.All the best in the next round Mark.
  23. Let us know how the river fishe's over the next few weeks John.
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