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Everything posted by wunwin

  1. Just got back from a week away, and the corn has been cut on the estate behind my place. Went to walk the dogs, just on the footpaths, and a hare got up, like they do! My bitch was off like a shot, got on terms with it well, struck, stumbled, and split her toenail idown the middle.Fing typical! What does everyone do for a split nail, i need it to heal well and before september.
  2. Coor i remember the night i went out and screwed 35 girls in one night. Awsome, but there were 150 to choose from.
  3. anyone know if the ground has improved since the last one? they didnt use their normal racing ground, and i wont bother going if its the same as last time. Shame, as its a top club and top racing events normally.
  4. f**k me lets hope it pisses it down for the next 4 weeks, then we can all stop bitching about running dogs on hard ground. As for a pup accidentally running 1 rabbit for a bit of fun, so what, no harm done. Its too hot to row, have a beer and chill out, hunting time is just round the corner!!!!!!!!!
  5. Got to agree with joeb, the ww1 and 2 vetrans.Heard an interview the other day with one of the last remaining somme survivors. He saw the sort of hell no other soldiers have or will ever see. 10's of thousands of men and boys WALKING towards bosh machine guns, cut down for no reason but Generals arrogance. This man lived through this, came home after the war, and never spoke of it again, untill this year. He had no councelling, just got on with his life the best he new how. Mates, brothers, all blown up or shot, all around him, and still he did his duty to king and country. THAT IS A HERO.
  6. wunwin

    Txt Talking

    At last, a forum that is trying to keep up standards in English. Why do all the youths of today want to be black, for fu#k sake? They dress like them, talk like them, even walk like fu###ng apes. We are in Great Britain, and should be proud of it, not trying to emulate bloody imigrants. God save the queen, i say.
  7. Just got their news letter, and all it sais is they are having a winter simmo series for members only.
  8. £7 to get in, then entry fees to compete, yet it is billed as a 4 nations competition? When will organisers learn that without competitors theres no show?
  9. With all you top boys catching soo many hares, night after night, its a wonder they arnt extinct by now. Just where do you find so many hares all the time. I see 5 hares on the farm where i work, and think its a lot. 27 in 1 night , were they having aconference or summat?!!!!!!
  10. i think they just banned him from the Bicester in bloom competition, on account of the fact that the kiddies found his red nose and oversize shoes scarry!!!!!!!!!!!
  11. £100 first prise is this true? anyone going?
  12. where in the country are you? This is very sad to see. Hope he gets a good home
  13. I had 2 lurchers once the wife left me,and took 2 collies with her! Then i met my current partner, and she had 4 dogs. 3 collies and a terrier. So once she moved in, we had 6. Then i was given a whippet, so we have 7. Every time we walk the lot together, we meet some twat with 1 disobident mutt, who says' oo havent you got your hands full' No, twat, we havent cos ours are all obidient. Your the f****r being pulled round the fields out of controll! People piss me off sometimes.
  14. My beardie/grey cross is not hancock bred, but is a typical thick coated beardie x. She is totally dedicated to ferreting, her thick coat is the best protection ever. She isnt very fast, but doesnt need to be, as she nails the rabbits as soon as they bolt. Always seems to be in the right place at the right time! Good luck with yours.
  15. Mine have their own room in the house, are pets as well as workers, and it doesnt affect them at all. It doesnt make them soft, it probably gives them a longer working life, as they dont get arthritis so easily, as they have been kept in the warm instead of a cold kennel.
  16. Surely the question was aimed at daytime hares only? After all, a lamped hare is no test for a good dog, and not very sporting, i should know, even my old bitch caught one this winter!
  17. No, not true. The whippet(I have one) will shiver and bellyache about the cold, so when arabbit bolts, it wont be ready. A good collie cross, beardie cross ect will be on the job all the time.
  18. Kane i take it from those pics you dont eat what you catch? A man shouldnt have the time for eithet a hard mouthed dog, or woman. Tends to cause problems either way.
  19. Was going to take the dogs to a simmo event today, but its way too hot, the ground is way too hard, and they wont damage feet and legs in the kennel.
  20. some dogs are lure chasers some not. mine do both lures and real quarry. perhaps im just lucky, but im not mortified, thats for sure!!!!
  21. Bloody hell you lot dont hang about!! Tickets now gone.
  22. I have a ticket for 1 person for the sunday, i cant go, so its going free to the first to pm me.
  23. What time does the simmo start, what time is booking in? Dont want to miss it like so many did at highclear.
  24. Went last year plenty to do plenty of good dogs there.
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