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About lee2008

  • Rank
    Rookie Hunter
  • Birthday 13/03/1989

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    pike fishing<br />lamping<br />air gun shooting<br />i hav a bull greyhound first cross and a luguna whippet
  1. dnt nok it untill tried mint lazer hasnt failed me yet
  2. lee2008


    i hav an ultra multishot mint guns i use air arms diablos good pellets
  3. a clu light short for cluston
  4. my night out shooting with my bsa ultra multishot 12 rabbits
  5. very good lazer mate 30 pound and it was frm keith sports saltburn
  6. bsa ultra multishot magazine wanted 10 shot any body help pm me cheers
  7. yer there a proplems with the magazines i hav had mine for 5 month and hav been through two magazines no miss fires and the pellets i use and i think are the best for the gun are air arms diabolos mate
  8. this is my bsa ultra multishot with lazer very good guns
  9. oright mate i have a bsa utlra multi shot and they a very good guns the only thing is the magazines are a bit dodgey i hav ahd mine about 9 month and been through 2 magazines but over all good guns

  10. very nice dogs am intresed in bitch pup wondering if you can help me thanks

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