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dave edwards

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Everything posted by dave edwards

  1. Thanks for your reply,I was just speaking to my Mother back in the UK and she said her local wood has wild boar, sounds great I hope they don't shoot them out of hand carefull management and fun for all.Australia they are pretty cruel hunt them down with oversize dogs and while the dogs hold the pig by the ears they stab the poor animal.We have wild pigs travel through our property where we live,the boys nail the odd hare leave the rabbits alone we are hopeing they breed up.The local council have a baiting program to kill the dingoes,we don't participate, we find, leave their natural food alon
  2. Hi,just joined so please excuse any mistakes ,my family and I live in Queensland I have two boy's 15and 18.we have a share in a hunting property approx 12,000acres,hunting red deer.The roar has just finished we managed to shoot two stags both shot by the two boy's we passed up about six all great animals manageing to stalk too in most cases 25metres, one animal I called in by just immitating a doe call [can't roar to save my life] he came within 6metres [no camera]neither us wanted to shoot.The ground is extreme, hills and mostly forested arduous walks my first day out this year I thought I wa
  3. Hi has any one tried the callmaster with appropriate chip on red deer?
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