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Everything posted by jayfoxing

  1. Dave, She does look a cracker, you could always call her that. But she look like a Pip to me. All the best with her whatever you decide to call her, Jay.
  2. Gutted for you, f'in scum. Hope you get her back. All the best, Jay.
  3. Mark, Yes its one of Ian's, been missing a while now with no sign. Jay.
  4. Were missing a hound. Lost him in the Wrexham to Ruthin area North Wales. If anyone has any information please contact me. Many thanks, Jay.
  5. Some little crackers there fella, all the best with them.
  6. Best of luck with them fella, they are stunners.
  7. Gonetoearth, She was put to a smallish fell hound called Ranter, he has endless stamina and a nose that is hard to beat. Choose this because the couple of welsh I have are very heavy and wanted to lighten them up and put them over some lighter Welsh lines in a few years. I love the welsh hounds, they are my favourite. I like the idea of Welsh names for Welsh hounds, it wondering whether to brake tradition and stray from the letter M that I'm having trouble with. All the best, Jay.
  8. Marion and her pups are doing well.
  9. Thanks guys. I was thinking of the 'M' path and got: Marshal Mitchell Munro Money Mountain Magic Mischief Music Melody Merry Moonlight Madam Miracle Merlin Mervyn Maverick Mayhem Morning Marilyn Marine And then I thought, do I brake tradition because I like: Holly Hiccup Guesswork Rector Gunner Archer Princess Sherlock Watson Lapwing Lorna Truman Reaper Domino Dancer
  10. One of my hounds Marion, has just given birth to 1 dog and 2 bitch puppies. Just after a few name ideas from you all. Many thanks, Jay.
  11. Not the best photography but i hope you enjoy. All the best, Jay.
  12. When you hunt hounds we all know some times things go wrong, this must have been one of them times. http://www.thisissouthwales.co.uk/Bus-passengers-witness-pack-hounds-kill-fox-busy/story-18182598-detail/story.html#axzz2LNBbDWnF Not good publicity for hunting, or is it? Made me laugh to read that the RSPCA weren't investigating after their recent P.R.
  13. A fantasic read and some good hunting hounds and terriers deserve there rest. All the best, Jay.
  14. A good days hunting in some beautiful countryside, views from the tops were stunning. A cold blustery day with avarage scent due to the wet ground, the hounds cast and picked up two. Both ran together until one went to ground, hounds stuck with the 2nd and hunted it for over half an hour before loosing the scent. Hounds cast again over some thick bracken for them to to find and hunt another which was accounted for by one of the guns. A good days hunting had by all.
  15. Dan, Hounds will mark their quarry to ground, but if they are on a hot scent above ground they are hard to stop. Their prey drive is very high, so if your after a hound for marking only you will have trouble stopping them from hunting. Beagles have been used as sniffer dogs by many services for years now, so this is a use other than their intended use. A good terrier or lurcher is far better to be used purely for marking, hounds are born to hunt. Jay.
  16. hedz, He will be hunting with hound crosses and terriers, he's the only true hound. All the best, jay.
  17. Bobo, he's 16" at the shoulders at the moment. He's the first Beagle-Harrier to enter the Kennal. If he turns out right for the country we hunt i will add a few more. Whippet 99, thanks, lets hope so. All the best, Jay.
  18. My Beagle-Harrier, Jasper. Now at for months old and into everything. All the best, Jay
  19. Hi all, I'm to understand that the length of a thong on a hunting whip depends on how tall your horse is as it is use to trail along side as you ride to remind hounds to keep away from your horses hoofs. My question is, what length thong do you lads use as foot packs and why? All the best, Jay.
  20. This is my 7 year old Russell bitch getting ready for a wash down after a days ratting. All the best, Jay.
  21. Sold to AngelicAcid pending the norm. Thanks all.
  22. Rabbit (ORYCTOLAGUS CUNICULUS). The rabbits Latin name Oryctolagus Cuniculas means "burrowing little hare" but in fact the rabbit and the hare are quite different. The rabbit is generally smaller rarely exceeding 2kg (4Ib) in weight with the female a little smaller as opposed to the weight of a hare at 3.5kg (7.5Ib) making it fairly simple to distinguish even at distance. The rabbit hops along in a series of small leaps, one fore-paw slightly ahead of the other, while the hare lopes with long bounding strides. You can't miss the flashing white underside of its tail (Scut) when it's runnin
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