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Everything posted by m.hubbard

  1. hey all i was thinking of taking this to the gunshop but i thought id offer it here first. it's my bsa spitfire in .22 scope is 2.5-10x44 deerhunter bipod 2 months old bsa volumertric silencer 2months old a buddy bottle you can have to gun bag but the sip is brocken the riffle is in perfect working order i just fancied a change so if any one has a umarex 850 in 1.77 and is willing to swap or £250 i am open to sensible offers . the riffle will come with sum gunblue as the buling is starting to go on the barrel butit doesnt effect the gun it's self . i can put more pics u
  2. hi it all depends if you have room for a big ark or not as this will help .as from there you can decied wether is a standerd or bantoms you can have there are all diffrent types and this website helped me with all the basics . hope this helps .m http://www.freewebs.com/professorchickensbreeds/hybrids.htm
  3. try this site .m http://www.nifg.org.uk/edible_fungi.htm#Poisonous%20Species
  4. he he he sorry thought it was a joke for the boaring old shit u normaly find in you lounch box . in this case it mainly contains spoon spinners and a lot of dead bait .lol
  5. hey i like kievs so i do it with pheasent 2 if you fillet the breast so it has the little piece to the slice a hole in the brest meat place the galic butter in (witch u would of made earler) close it with that little pieace of meat then in to flour egg and bread crumbs bake for twenty to therty mins and its done . galic butter in a pan ona low heat add a block of butter and slowly melted then add as much garlic as you wish .and if your like me it's lots then let it cool and stick it in the fridge to harden and thats it . or just do like a chicken and bacon melt just with p
  6. thats cool a nice place to sit and feed the birds .oh and get shat on 2 .lol nice place .m
  7. how about black pudding and brown sauce . sweet chill with either rabbit chicken duck beef turkey and cranberrys brie and grape or steak and onion try thos vry nice .m
  8. cheers i like to think so as thats what im hoping for .iv ordered them other for the meat so hopfully i can stay away from supermarket trash . i allways thought chickens to be shy but f**k there mad iv got a dog an im sure it's all way the chickens that start the chasing .lol bullterrier thay are on layers but only a small amount and i forgot to say alltho thay want need it i suplement there grit to it's only a small bowl full every few days but it's all gone buy the second day. the is my black rock and white pekin and two of 3 of the goldline her tale feathers look abit rough
  9. cool thanks for that iv got one black rock .as iv only just got them and i dont know the age of them i'll whait till thay start laying before i start to cull. iv orderd sum light sussex and some ixworth so hopefully have a good mix and my be do sum crosses.m
  10. cheers for that back stabbath when i talk about fatting them up i ment for meat not for the fat on them .iv bin feeding them wheat plain pasta scraps from the kitchen and all the old veg we dont want fromt he allotment fto so there on a very healthy diet i hope .lol i bought a tub of dried worms from the pet shop and thay whent crackers just the same when i dug over my boarders in the garden .i thought thay would stay well clear but no just like the dog thay was right under my feet just waiting to see the worms before the others did.lol once again thanks for the advice.m
  11. cheers for that folks it made no diffrence to me as there all as funny as each other . just wanted to now really. the black rock that it's with the two together are a proper pair ware theres one theres the other.lol thanks again m
  12. wow and we wonder why people are so agenst hunting iv never shot a stag but i think both shots ware poor to me the second shot looked a little high ,.and on a running target . it was all the guides fault as he should of stopped him . but then if he never got a kill or shot at atleast one dear thay would of wanted there money bck no dowt. f**king pricks .m my 2pence worth.
  13. hay all i was blessed with five birds i know one is a blackrock 3 a goldlines and im usure what this little white one is .?
  14. hey folks sorry forgot to put im in lincoln . and the rifle will cost about 15 to post . nah the incubator is manual but with the space inside you could easy make one to fit. im thinking of painting my other one so if it's not your coulor i can paint it white. f**k you can have the wife i'll post her first class pm me ur address. all tho id like to think after 3yrs shes had alot of hammer .well id like to think she has sorry the air bottle is for spitfire . .m
  15. camo and i forgot to mention it has scent blocker inside it has a carbon filter built in .
  16. hay all iv bin having a clear out and thought id post on here before i put them on ebay. so here goes a 24 egg incubator homemade but in perfect working order. it's to heavey to post so pick up only. £30 ono my advange timber como suite it's the 4d suite witch makes you look like a walking bush £50 includind p&p it's in xl even tho a m it wasnt that big ***sold.** a nft 604 grow tank only used once and cumes with pump and corex with six holes cut in to it . £40 ono i wouldnt like to post this but i could at a cost of about £10. my webley vulcan in .22 in pritt
  17. hey cheers for that i never really thought of looking on her as i wasnt sure if i had enough space but the wife was bugging me so i haad to ask.m
  18. he he he he it's localy called weaight watchers .lol what we do to keep the wife happy she got a dog last year.lol .m
  19. hey it will just be a pet really weve got a five meter wide by 45ft long garden so im thinking 5mx5m for a small pig with chikens should be ok as thay will be let out in the day .,m
  20. hey all i was just wondering ware to get apig from . the wife wants one iv got the space i hope ? we live in lincolnshire so it will have to be a small breed but it will only be a pet untill i get my way.lol any help will be great.m
  21. heyit all depends on how big you want it as i can remeber hugh doing a small one . with just a metal box with a woodchips in the bottom and a camping stove under it . and a make shift hanger inside . m
  22. cool cheers for that the book iv got says there good egg layers .so i may get the best of both worlds.m
  23. hey all i was just wondering what is the best chickens to keep for the table i know theres a long list so heres a few things id like from the bird . good flavor not to fast at growing and a good hardy bird. time isnt an issue as it will just be for the odd sunday dinner and soups and meals for a family of three. so thay dont have to be the biggest of birds. any help would be great .m
  24. this is the machine i use and in the kitchen ware it lives and it doesnt stand out at all infact iv had the cops round as i got broken into and thay was none the wiser.
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