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Everything posted by m.hubbard

  1. ok iv done to shots one of the rifle and one as close to the stock so you can hopfuly see the conditon
  2. hows the terrier with live stock ?and ware abouts are you?
  3. snds like i was right to buy this rifle the guy in the shop chronoed it at 10.5 with 16 grain pellet not the most poerful rifle but with how acurate it is i dont think it will matter. i was going to have in tuned was i watched huntyertv addition on it . scope wise ill have to wait for a new one as bills to pay first. but i was going for somthing simple like the nikko sterling mountmaster 4x40 ao as its mainly going to be used for close range ratting .m
  4. hui it's a 22 and everything seems to be in order a few scratches but no mager ones .ill post a pic later
  5. hi all iv just sold my bsa lightning and as going to upgrade to a pcp but when i was in the shop i fell in love with this rifle i was just wondering what people thought of it ? what i think so fare you wouldnt want it on a day trip as boy it's heavy action is vry nice and smooth trigger my have to ajust it but very nice it came with a tasco 4x32 abit battered but i was hitting very tight groupes after afew turns of the turrets . i payed £149 for gun and scope and got a bag and pellets at the same time so i rekon the £172 i payed was a bargain. .m
  6. hi yeah it shouldnt be more than £20 but i will split the diffrance with u if u want it so it will be £110 posted
  7. as above had it a while but it's in pritty good condition a few scratches here and there but its a working gun only reason for sale is i want a pcp again spec 22 4x32 scope camo gun bag nearly a full tin of pellets been shooting rats with it for the last six months with no problems i looking for £100 i have had it on here before but decided to keep it but iv been asked to use traps instead.
  8. hi i baught this rifle acouple of weeks ago with the intention of shooting rats in the garden and hopfully getting permission to soot on some ones land but as next door thinks its cruel to shoot them and wants to poison them instead iv decided it has to go its a pritty good condition for its age has a gammo 4x32 scope witch is spot on iv only fired ten shots and it all but one gun bag and 490 left in the tin of pellets iv chnged the breach seal since i had it and cleaned it up im only asking £100 for it as thats what i paid for it or would sawp for a petrol presure washe
  9. pm sent im not fare and could pick up any night except friday this week
  10. ware about do you live as ill have the cock birds from you .?
  11. i know wht you mean about the shop .lol iv gone and got my self a bsa lightning old skool version as it was going on here pritty cheap ill see how i get on with this and see if i can still shoot and if i get a permisson ill invest in a decent rifle thanks for ur help guys
  12. cheers for meeting half way cracking rifle for the money. cheers.m
  13. hi there s the rifle still for sale and if so would you consider posting as ur 144 miles away ?
  14. cheers for that i thought as much on the smk range . iv had a webley venon viper too and that was a great bit of kit only two shot but was a crack shot with it . i only live 5 mins walk away from city air weapons its a shame guns and stuff on the high street has closed down .
  15. hi there cyrill bason does the english version of the american cornish rocks witch are ross cobb or email simon.skinner@btinternet.com for hubbard eggs if u want big birds then ask for 787 or for small fry type birds ask for the hubbard 757 the hubbards dont go off there legs simon does hatching eggs and day old birds . hope this helps
  16. ok iv not bin on the forum for a while as i got out of shooting due to losing my permission to the council winning the battle to build a cemetry on the land .and me selling my rifles off as they just sat there . anyways im thinking of getting back into the sport of as iv moved into a new house with a very long garden and would love some thing to plink and do a bit of vermin control once iv got a new peace of land to shoot on . ok on to the real point i was looking at all the rifles on the market and noticed that smk seem to be a lot better i was just wondering whats peoples view
  17. iv used this web site for a while with very good results . iv changed a few things over time but thats just my taste buds wanting more.m
  18. hay sorry for late replays the river cottage book is vry basic all tho it does have some good info in it . and both books iv got and google say shaggys are ok to eat as long as you cook them and dont eat the stalks .m
  19. hay iv got the field guide to mushrooms and other fungi of britain.not a bad book.and the other was a present mushrooms by john wright .river cottage handbook no 1. iv come across some shaggy parasol too and found what looked to be a cep but not 100% i tend to go out and have a look and take pics and then use good old google .lol
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