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About josh-waddingham

  • Rank
    Born Hunter
  • Birthday 11/04/1993

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  1. the beddy cross is right up there in my opinion, have hearts alot bigger than there height, got alot of bottle and even when bred for nothing but rabbit theyll still steamin into the hot end of something alot bigger, dont run this cross anymore but im glad iv ran them before...
  2. Or maybe they just wernt that good in the first place thats why they were constantly doubled up. Not from what i heard, but i have only seen them on dvd and talked to lads that knew of them and the dogs, so who knows. All i do know is, it takes a very good dog, to take them on a regular basis, not just now and then, Iagree it does take a very good dog to take numbers reularly(single handed)But like you said on the dvd you can see them waiting for a safe strike even though they have backup,In my eyes that is not a fox dog. agree imo a dog that waits for the perfect strike is too
  3. was both parents merle by any chance? two merls can chuck bad pups alot being born blind and deaf
  4. depends on the land your running on but imo pure whippet, beddy whippet, or collie greyhound all seem to be good on rabbits..
  5. i know of this dog, never been out with him lives just up the road from me infact, a lot of my pals have been out with him and some have got dogs out of him aswell, he is one hell of a hard dog with alot of stuff under his belt!
  6. why is it you dont seem to come across many 3/8 5/8 bull crosses being bred, i know there not the easiest things to breed, iv never been out with one but hear off a few lads that have had them over the years that say they are the best sort of bull cross, so you'd think there would be alot more being bred?
  7. For the brains of the collie... but why would you want brains in something with bull in it? not being funny just a question mate, myself i like bull crosses to be abit thick and go steaming in, iv never seen a clever dog that doesnt mind getting bit.. atb
  8. imo i cant see why anyone would put collie into something with bull or wheaten, iv seen good dogs throw bad pups when collie is thrown in there but tbf iv only seen bad collie crosses for what i like, and like iv said before iv only seen a handful run. so for me i wudnt entertain it but if we all had the same opinions this game would be no good,
  9. a mate baught one ferreting once, he worked at a racing kennels, the bitch werent to good with the ferrets and was easily out turned by the rabbits but with work i think one wouldnt be too bad, wouldnt be my cup of tea mine, folk put other breeds in there for a reason atb
  10. no fox is too big for a terrier haa, not a half decent terrier anyway..
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