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Everything posted by SMOGGY

  1. hope to see a few of you there, Hopefully the weather will be spot on regards smoggy
  2. hi mate, I think farndale hunt lurcher & terrier show is on sun 1pm, not a 100% sure, and i don't know what it is like? thats at kildale
  3. too many round us, they take some controlling, last week there was 17 in one field, they're cleaning up alot of eggs
  4. How big are they, i first thought snipe? but maybe wrong, it a long time since i've seen a snipe nest.
  5. Is anyone going to the Farndale hunt terrier & lurcher show, I believe its next sunday 28th And did anyone go last year if so what was it like? regards smoggy
  6. So everyone should know how to get thier dogs in peak condition, how to train up their sprinting or stamina, It not a stupid question, and it's been asked a hundred times on here, This forum is open to everyone what ever levell your at, its not just for experts! So keep your silly comments to yourself PS, i think there has been a a recruitment drive on who can post the most negative comments on other peoples theads
  7. Good luck with the pups, and its good to see you have the pups pissing and s*@tting over the geordie "shearer" on the newspaper LOL
  8. I haven't got anywhere near 100 with my dogs, and never will , But on the darkest, wettest, windiest of nights, on land where rabbits aren't lamp shy, and the lamper has good field craft, squatter can be available in huge numbers, a very good dog could have a huge bag without breaking into a sweat. It's a lot of if,buts and maybes, But i'm sure it has and can be done regards smoggy
  9. So you consider using a burrow blaster a fieldsport do you? They have been invented as a method of controlling certain ground dwelling mammals in the US. Their use over here is unnecessary, and inhumane. I'm still trying to work out the advantage in collapsing an 'empty' burrow at all. Using explosive devices to kill animals was outlawed in Britain in 1981. Personally, I consider the use of these things to be the same as throwing hand grenades into a trout stream. I have a huge problem with farmers in particular, going out and spending (wasting) money on these things to kill mol
  10. I can't honestly see what the problem is with the rodenator? Of course it needs to be used correctly, and yes some idiots will make a right balls up of things, but thats not enough to ban this equipment or not use them, If that was the case, the antis would win hands down on ever aspect of fieldsports As long as the person has done his/her best to ensure the burrows are empty, whats the problem. Ok the odd rabbit may lose out, very unfortunet, but no one can say any other way is better. Ferreting, shooting,trapping, and hunting all have their issues, none of then are perfect Perso
  11. heres mine, only 5&1/2 months at moment but hopefully ready towards back end of the season saluki x deer/grey/lurcher
  12. Nimrod, i have the same problem, but what i've found is that when using a rifle - and your looking through scopes all the time, the natural locatation for your eyes is a inch or so above the barrells, no good for shotguns, try to remember to look down the barrells (easier said than done), but practice makes perfect. atb smoggy
  13. Good luck with the sale, mate. but can i ask where you got it from, as i've got one similar to that out of a litter form trimdon, regards smoggy
  14. wrong simoman that would be a 3/16th bul 3/16th weaton and 10/16th greyhound
  15. Didn't you do this breeding in the summer as well ? a bit soon for a repeat mating isn't it two litters in 9 months, but they do look good pups hope they get good homes
  16. Heard a two minute report on the new, could you imagine what the new would have been if it was the other way round - anti killed by hunt supporter, it would have been plastered on every news around the country, shocking
  17. Vin, have you looked at ledlenser p7, a part from the changing of the lens it should fit your requirements and at around £45-50 you wont go far wrong
  18. cheers mate and the best of luck
  19. As above, I thought it was this weekend but nothings been posted? atb smoggy
  20. I reckon it's because people buy then as a pup, because they're "The bees knees", can't be arsed to put the effort in to train them, then read about the world beating dogs that every one has on here, and then can't be arsed with their dog because it doesn't catch a hundred rabbits a night or doesn't do fox or deer at 8 month then sells them at 11 months old, cos they realised they haven't got the time its a joke isn't it atb smoggy
  21. If they can shoot 2-3 hundred in a day, well they've got to many hares and definetly need controlling, dogs aren't every ones cup of tea, so why should they miss out on countryside activities, and remember they proberly did the same last year and the year before and so on, so it's not as if they a wiping every single hare out is it. atb smoggy
  22. Good question, I always put a third catorgory in of young hare leveret - up to half grown young hare - from half grown to three quarter size hare - three quarters to full grown.
  23. Aaronpigeonplucker, Am i right in thinking that originally you said all farmers / gamekeepers should have nine foot fences, but now your saying only small holding? So am i right in thinking your saying it ok to snare and shoot foxes as long as you have plenty of land End of the day,foxes are pest,they need controling, you like shooting rabbits but you can't stand the idea of shooting foxes sounds like your a bit confused, Unfortunetly it's people with these way out ideas, like your self, that fuel the anti support, cos all you get is if one can do it why can't they all. and woul
  24. I would have said a field fayre? but I ain't no expert lol
  25. i'm getting the the p7, very similar to the p14 only smaller, but there a wonderful bit of kit. i'm using a p6 at the moment for the local parks and golf course not quite powerful enough, but their a lot more discreet than a big lamp lol It won't belong till these type of torch takes over from the lamps, and for 40 - 50 quid you can't go wrong
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