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Neil Cooney.

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Everything posted by Neil Cooney.

  1. I got a few of Clogherhead yesterday morning. A mate was there this morning and got 2 but he said a small boat not far out caught loads so this week should see them in proper. I heard theres plenty being caught in Balbriggan.
  2. Oh no Ditch has the still broke. Will you be able to save the poteen? LOL
  3. You'll need insurance if your operating under a govt. agency. Here in Ireland it's impossible to get insurance for lamping hence the N.A.R.G.C. won't recognise lamping. Most lampers IMO wouldn't have a chance of employment if it was known what goes on at night. It's turned into a cowboys night out IMO. But here's one for you, a lot of you's would of heard of the proposed motorway being made near the famous Hill of Tara. Any badger settes lieing in the path of the new road are having their occupants trapped and rehomed in new man made badger settes else where. All at the expence of the tax pay
  4. I can't believe your being told to keep a pup fat. Keep it healthy. And it's fine to take a pup away after 5 weeks especially if it's going to get plenty of human contact. And at that age meat is fine if it's the right sort of meat. I cut tripe up fine for pups from 5 weeks on, minced would be better. Remember when changing any dogs diet young or old, do it gradually. A fat pup can be a sign of a wormy pup.
  5. Is it possible to get insurance for lamping in GB. If not would that put lamping out of the question.
  6. Very nice. One of the most usefull terriers I've had the pleasure of digging too was 3/4 russell 1/4 staff. A terriermans dream.
  7. I've followed hounds in Pembrokeshire and one area I was told has the highest population per hectare of badgers in Europe. The damage done to grazing land every night was unbelievable. Although I don't agree with a cull over here I can see why it must be done over there. Seems the do gooders have become the badgers worst friend. As for ways to control the badger. Unarguably the most humane way to take a badger has been illegal this good few years and always will be.
  8. My ferrets love trout heads but why aren't you putting the trout back? Even seems silly to me to feed whole rabbits to ferrets, whatever happened to feeding the heads and offal? Too much money now for sirlion and t-bones nowadays, LOL.
  9. Here they snare them and it's crude to say the least. Most of the time a snare set on a Friday is checked on the monday or in one case I've seen a Tuesday (Bank Holiday). The famer felt sorry for the badger as he'd seen it lieing there Saturday, Sunday and asked me to shoot it on the Monday. It's no way of controling a great creature such as the Badger. If a farmer asks me to dig one (which would take a short while) I have to say no but the Govt. can send in cowboys. This is the same Government that withheld the Ward Unions liscence and that of 3 coursing clubs but condones snareing badgers
  10. Congrats Countrylass. I hope your going to try and find out who the scum is and at the very least let them know that you know and if it happens again you'll be blaming them.
  11. I judged a show a few years ago. In the border class I had it down to 2 males for 1st and 2nd. One I knew to be a very good worker who was out of a good family too. The other was an outstanding specimen who I'd be very supprised if it had bolted more than a fox or 2. When I ran my hands over the first terrier I found that half it's coat was dead hair (through molting I might add) and this terrier hadn't even been brushed. The other terrier was well presented, clean and fit. I gave 1st prize to the second terrier who then went on to be overall Champion over terriers, lurchers and strong do
  12. Any pictures of the mounted animal Rolfe?
  13. Very good. Can't comment on England but over here the Common Blue aint that common. Seen two so far this year. Pity.
  14. Don't know that one, must check it out. My favourite line from Amos Moses is "when Amos Moses was a boy his daddy would use him as alligator bait, tie a rope around his waste, throw him in the swamp".
  15. Good post ,the bottom line is animal welfare. Like you Sighthound it would bother me badly to see an animal I've bred looked after badly. If your self imposed rules were imployed by all people to all livestock breeding it would solve a lot of problems.
  16. Is she half bred? She could be a usefull brood.
  17. Have you ever heard Jerry Reeds song about the alligator poacher "Amos Moses" ? Very good,
  18. Pity a video like that has to be shown. More ammunition for those against terrier work. Because a sounder was used and the badger came forward if there had of been a proper terrier man in the hole it could have been made in to a good usefull video with a quick tailing and release. Strong dog ????? Cop yourself on. JMHO.
  19. So did Plummer "create" the Plummer terrier as a joke too?
  20. Just out of interest, can you buy innoculations over the counter in Britain? I wouldn't be happy bringing a six week old pup to a vets surgery.
  21. Think about it. Nearly every breed of working terrier eventually evolved from sportmen/hunters breeding best to best to get a worker that suit their country and quarry. The Plummer was bred/designed to fulfill one reason. To enhance an ego. Simple as that, what does the Plummer TYPE of terrier do better than any other terrier type. Nothing. As for talking ill of the dead. Any one ever read his article in Irish Hunting ,Shooting and Fishing about people that keep black working terriers. If thats not being a coward then.....????
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