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Everything posted by Bootsha

  1. f**k off garfield i'd sooner have numb hands than ginger f****n hair
  2. hell hath no fury like a woman scorned / woken up
  3. if i slapped my mrs a slap in the chops, numb hands would be the least of my worries
  4. my fingers and most of my hands go completely numb, was started a couple of years ago, just my "fuckoff" fingers would go numb, but hands go as well now. i dont get cramp or f**k all, may have to get to the vets and have a look.
  5. Just a quick question, do any of you guys out there wake up to find your hands numb?, or if you been driving a while the wheel hand goes numb??. I always used to think if i'd been on the saw for a spell it was that vibration white finger malarkey, but i googled it and its suprising how common it is apparently, although i never heard of it before. One suggestion was Carpo tunnel syndrome, only tunnels i ever been through was down by Newport lol. Any thoughts or experiences from fellow members ??? Serious replies only please ?? B
  6. was going to give my patch one last turn over before i get the rake out and the tilth right, at the mo , its under 3" of snow, frozen hard crust under it, and soaking wet under that !!, think i'll leave it a day or two lol. i planted my giant onion seeds ito trays on an inside window sill, also got sets to plant out as well, thought i'd try some "el lobo" ? seeds, as i have never tried growing onions from seeds, meant to be real big ones, interesting to see how they / if they turn out lol. Was gonna plant my runner beans seeds at the end of the month as well , inside of course, we'll have
  7. it may be looking the part mate, but it may just not be quite mentally ready for it yet, not all dogs are starters at 18 months old, as has been said already, see what he wants to do start of next season, you may be pleasantly suprised. I wonder how many are disposed of if they aren't early starters in the dog game??? a fair few i'd say all the best with it anyhow B
  8. i agree gnipper, its in some sort of aerosol now. But luckily for me, i still have some of the meat, mix it yourself stuff, 1 bottle to 2 galls of water. But its my last bottle. Jokes aside tho, i used that diatomaceous earth for a while now, under the dogs and in the poultry houses, touch wood, no bother at al, but wait till the warm weather comes for the chickens and sheds. but a 100% natural, 24/7 product that kilss mechanical dandruff is the way forward in my opinion, and it works. B
  9. your boy would have tapped him if he had said anything about his dad imo .
  10. duramitex or as a prevention diatomaceous earth, kills all known mechanical dandruff stone dead ya ginger f**k pig lol. works for my choocks anyhow
  11. no, not over here, , i never carry mine at all.
  12. got a 97 defender 300tdi, had it since 2000, get under it with a grease gun every now and again, all the u j's, spray the underside with black oil a few times a year, service it regular, ticks over like a f****n rolex, and if you need that bit of grunt, foot down, turbo whistles, hang on, pulls a trailer with nearly 2 tonne of firewood on it no bother. I'd sooner sell the house tbh lol.
  13. After the 30 / 3 stuffing the english team got, the rfu decided to take them all to Longleat for a day out, they said it was the nearest any of them would get to a lions tour :D
  14. no need to thank me mate, you have to earn respect, and your lad obviously respects you. Give yourself a tap on the back, you've earned it fella. Regards B
  15. that kids been brought up properly, not many would even think of doing such a thing. Well done to him and to you for bringing him up right.
  16. nice car that mate, drive one myself, they go forever, and very well, comfy ride and all. Bargain for someone. good luck
  17. Your prob right mate, but she was in a larsen type trap , fed , watered and sheltered, fox couldnt have got to her as her cage ( complete with perch to roost) was seperate completely from the trap, just pushed up against it, he would have had to go up the trap to evn get within a foot of her. But your prob right. she 's back in with the rest of the birds now anyhow, she was the worst layer so its only a matter of time anyhow lol, cheers
  18. got one out as well, tried live chicken as bait, nothing, miced whole carcass, nothing, even tried a tin of sardines (opened lol) nothing, yet in the snow i could see tracks around my chicken runs all the time, traps been out a while as well. As you say, busted open road kill bunny looks to be the next course of action.
  19. Space them out mate, i am planting about 2/3 weeks after i plant the first earlies, then maincrop after by same ammount, as has been said, wait till you see your first lot sprouting then bang the next lot in.
  20. got my early, late earlies and main crop spuds ready to go, will put earlies in at end of this month, second earlies end of April, and lates end of may. got onion sets bought that will go in start of april, bout some giant onion seeds so pootted them up yesterday and are on a window sill inside. half the peas will go in start to mid april, rest will go in 3 weeks or so later, beetroot the same. Will start in earnest when the risk of frost has gone, froze hard here agin last night. hopefully will turn the patch over another couple of times before i plant to get the tilth just right, had plenty
  21. best of luck to your boy c71, takes a lot of guts to get in a ring or a cage, nowhere to hide, all the very best of luck to him mate. Regards B
  22. In all honesty, one of the main reasons england didnt play well, was simply because they werent allowed to play any rugby of any cosequence, and when the chins drop, so do standards, of ANY team, not just England. Wales were hitting form at the right time, had 3 away wins and were coming home to play a massive game. Put nationality's and teasing to one side now, Wales played some of the best rugby i have seen them play for a long time, low errors, good discipline, and set piece domination. In short they did the simple and basic things very well and clinically. The all blacks would have bee
  23. there endeth the lesson gents, what a f****n display, top drawer rugby union, tidy.
  24. wales need to win by 8 to take the championship.........................i dont care if they only win by 0.5 as long as we beat THEM ! nid wy'n gofyn bywyd moethus, aur y byd, na'i berlau man, gofyn rwy'f am galon hapus calon 'onest, calon lan, calon lan yn llawn daioni, tegach yw na'r liily dlos, gofyn rwyf am galon hapus, galon honest galon lan, hwyr y bore fy nyminiad, chwim adenydd iddo sydd,....................
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