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Everything posted by Bootsha

  1. i dont say its as effective as the contact, dilute to taste insecticides, but its 100% natural product and lies in wait 24/7 for any creepy crawly bug to crawl over it and slice its guts open lol, its a preventative and treatment all in one.
  2. yes bull x. i remove all the shavings from the poultry sheds, nest boxes the lot, brush it all out so there nothing left in there. you can apply an insecticide if you want to, if you do, let it dry thoroughly, then get a few handfulls of DE and scatter it everywhere, all nooks and crannies, nest boxes etc, make sure you put some on the length of you fowl perches, especially down the ends of the perches as thats where the little b*****ds love to hide during the day and then come to feed at night. I was once told Also to wrap double sided sticky tape (like the blue peter stuff lol) at either
  3. to tell you the truth pinkella, i havent a bloody clue as i dont trap regularly at all to be honest. but i think the mk6 are meant to be for mink size etc. i saw your advert, good site, i shal be visiting for supplies from time to time. Pete.close call, nothing more.i hope lol. Pinkella..............lovely dog in your avatar
  4. get some diatomaceous earth down boys, i went to clean my poultry sheds out today in a vest and shorts, expected to be covered in mechanical dandruff due to weather etc, not f****n one. I use religously diatomaceous earth as a preventative measure, looks like its paid off, look it up boys, it seems to do what it claims to do on the tin for certain.
  5. what a f****n result !!!!!! thats how you win a test match, f***ing awesome, regardless of how many of who are in the team, we were the british and irish lions, and we showed them fuckers a clean pair of heels.....account closed . Warren Gatland for Prime Minister lol. It was a massive decision, well, a few actually, but the old silver fox stood by them..and they repaid him.ten fold. Superb bois bach, f****n superb !!!! Yn falch i fod yn cymro, o'r galon.
  6. Noticed my small veg garden was getting nibbled a bit serious, found a bit of a scrape under the back fence that leads onto some rough ground, now i keep a few mk6 fenns here that i bought years ago and never really used them, so i scraped the hollow out, and set one, to date i have had a big rat !, a squirrell and a adult rabbit, all , i must say, head shots lol, never felt a thing, quite suprised at the success rate, but i have been knocking about a few years now so perhaps its from years of dabbling, but its created an interest, they are very efficient bits of kit must say. cant even r
  7. there was a link up on here the other day for vet medic .com, worked out real cheap, cant remember what it was called now tbh. pic of a dog de bordeaux or similar on the front of the box if i remember right.
  8. to be honest, thats what i always used it for years ago, get a bottle of concentrate, mix with 2 galls of water and soak every nook and cranny with it inside the loft, open the wings of the birds out and dip them as well, working theyer wings in the solution like they were flying so it all went up between all the flights.brilliant stuf,,,, must have been, you cant f***ing get it any more, only in an aerosol.
  9. duramitex is the mutts nuts, but you cant get it in concentrate any more, benzyl benzoate ( the dog mite stuff) is meant to be a good controler of mechanical dandruff.
  10. Gatland will either be hailed as the messiah after the game.....or a f***ing fool for making his choice. I can see why he made his selection, as has already been said.cohesion, having said that, there are a lot of top quality players in his squad, world class players as well as his 10 welsh players. I truly hope it works out for him and the team, and that he gets a knighthood and silences all his doubters..........only time will be the judge of that, one thing for certain.its gonna be an all or nothing sort of game.
  11. mike is a good sort, hope you get your problems sorted out and rehome your pups mate.
  12. send me your name and address.............................. i'll send her down for you to tell her , book time off work in advance tho. Best of luck
  13. My mrs thought it looked like the grill of a bbq , so its her fault !!
  14. christ you lot dont hang about . I doubt it'll be this year, kennel refurb going to happen shortly, materials ordered, once i get an empty one, major assault on that one, new benches the lot, then, once the paint has dried, shift another in there and start on next door.should keep me and the pressure cleaner busy for a day or two......or ten.
  15. good strapping pups for 11 weeks woods, perhaps next year if i have an empty kennel at my place, i'll walk one for you if you have a litter on at the time. We'll see what happens.
  16. nice pups them.............................. beauties. fair play.
  17. do your pup in another two weeks, then do the others the same time, once he is up to 4 months old, get them all done on the same frequency, its easier to keep a record of it that way. I do all my dogs on the same date, one entry in my diary"WORM DOGS" sorted, write under it."DONE". flick forward three months and do it again, its not complicated, but same as a lot of other things with dogs, have a simple system, make sure it works for you amd the dogs, and stick to it. I think, by the sounds of it, you may have got hold of that pup just in time, before any permanent internal damage may
  18. I'd get that net off the barbie and perhaps skin the rabbitts before you fire that bbq up mate :D leaves a funny taste does plastic , nylon and hemp
  19. Worm him every two weeks until 4 months old mate, it should have been done at 10 days old then every fortnight thereafter until its 4 months old. You may well see worms coming out, even with drontal plus, given the ammount thats prob inside the pup, but think of it this way, every worm out is one less to take away the goodness out of its food and slow its growth down, you'll see it bouncing along after the worms have been cleared, Pisses me off that ppl who breed pups dont follow a proven regime of systematic worming, roundworms are a pups worst enemy, and are gotten via the bitch's
  20. chid will make a hammock out of that for himself
  21. classic that christian lol, classic lol
  22. happy birthday this and happy birthday that .....half these fuckers on here told me they'd cross the street to avoid you ........................ you and ya double eyed mate with the wrinkly complection. May all your skips be overflowing with food waste, and all your bus tokens be accepted on the job centre bus..... Happy Birthday mun
  23. back to my post about something at my beetroot plants , and even having a go at the onions,found a hollow under the back fence, doctored it to make it narrower, funnilly enough, just wide enough for a mk6 fenn trap, came home from work this afternoon, nice big ( and very dead) rat in there the shitbag !!. Have re - set me old faithfull again, you just never know your luck lol. He wont be nibbling in my veg atch again lol. Just a short note, if my spuds have half as much growth under the soil as they do above, i'm gonna have a lot of tatties !!atb
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