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Everything posted by Bootsha

  1. as above, salt water, no dressing, the dog will lick and keep it clean itself if it can reach it. just keep an eye on it. Funny thing is, if i get a nasty cut or similar from work, i always, odd you may think, clean it first, then kitchen roll dripping with vinegar, bite down on a piece of wood and apply the said dressing, hurts like f**k for a few seconds, then numb, but I GUARANTEE you, that cut wont go bad. I dont suggest that you try this on your dog, as he may prefer to bite down on your arm instead of a piece of wood, but a diluted solution ??? Perhaps i just enjoy the pain lol.
  2. i ( inadvertantly) dropped a clanger this year, aprt from my spuds, beetroot onions and aprsnips. i have two rows of peas, running parrallell, each about 38 ft long, i put bale wrap net from the floor up and over a long main line about 4 ft high and stapled it with wire hooks either side, so in effect you have a tent effect running the whole length, i planted both sides of one of the rows, then two weeks later i planted the other row, all seedlings planted out, very labour intensive, but worth the effort for plant quality etc. That part went to plan great, peas everywhere, but , although i tho
  3. peas getting picked today lol, one colandour full, and thats only the start lol
  4. i get under my landy a few times a year, pressure clean off first, let it dry properly( dont take long in this weather) get the compressor fired up and splat a gallon of black oil under it, brake pipes especially, get the nozzle well into the holes in the chassis and hold the trigger till it starts coming out somewhere. I used to use wax oil, bt i found that , while it creates a skin to repell water etc, after a while the skin starts to break up, and then can end up holding moisture in as it ingresses, i found this out first hand, black oil forms no waterproof barrier, but stops any rust start
  5. real good c71, talented fella
  6. I generally spread mine on toast of a morning , plumbed straight into the septic tank.. down a gulleypot, buckets of water..and away it goes.......................good job the ammount here
  7. your going to get asked , so it may as well be by me, have you got any pics to show us?? it'll help with the sale as well i would imagine ?? B
  8. nice clean paved and pebbled area that mick, who's place was it taken at ???? anywhere near you like ???
  9. mel will have that off you old mate, he was after one the other day wasn't he ??? does it come in realtree ?? lol
  10. lifted some first earlies tonight myself, pentalnd javelin, biggest were fist sized, nice clean whit spuds, but i remember lifting spuds with my dad and he'd have almost half a bucketfull per plant, i have got 6 different varieties in this year,2 first earlies, 2 second earlies and 2 main crop tatties, i'll keep you informed as to the results of the rest of the crop. ideally, i'd like to find a variety that suits my soil and needs, then just plant the same sort, about 2/3 weeks apart so they are spread out, my first earlies, seconds and main crop look to be at the same stage tbh.
  11. Happy birthday lisa......you deserve a medal for putting up with what you do . Have a good day kidda.
  12. took a sample from my spuds the other day......................... floiage up to my waist................not much under the soil tho..............not quite ready i admit, waiting on flowers to die back, but i thought i'd have a look see lol
  13. glyphogen..................excatly the same as roundup........but way way cheaper. broad spectrum systemic herbicide, takes about 10 days for the stuff to keel over, thats cos it works from the roots up, (hence systemic) not like a contact herbicide, which has faster acting results, but not so good long term.
  14. just pour the f****n lot into a 5 gallon drum and put it in their drinking water , be fine.................. . Whooooa, only kidding. Whats the craic with viovet then bib, what confirmation did you have to get ??? excuse me asking like.
  15. let us know how you get on trevor, and more importantly, hatching / success rates etc. Cheers B
  16. pity all threads werent as good, constructive and tolerant of others opinions , f**k it, just looked and seen it was underlined, hey ho.
  17. few pairs of maly large fowl hatching eggs on ebay mate, not bantam tho.
  18. welcome to the site mate. any saline solution or as been said above, lots available to flush and clean out, it may be worth you getting on ebay, type in dog/ pet antibiotics, and it'll come up with terramycin eye antibiotic tubes from turkey, dont be put off by the location, had them myself, spot on. Very handy to have in case a wash out isnt quite enough, say if some corneal abrasions has occured. But welcome to the site anyhow.
  19. lots of hatching eggs available on flea bay, i know theyre not hens, but you gotta start somewhere if you cant get what you want, type in old english game bantams hatching eggs, i tried to put a link up but it wasnt having any of it. Hope it helps
  20. i knew of a pack of hounds that hunted on it for a season or two......and they werent found wanting.some say its shit, some say its good enough................... try a bag and see.
  21. paul travers has been in hunt service well in excess of 20 years,with the same pack, he is currently on his fourth huntsman, i whipped to them for a few seasons so i know. He is fully qualified to judge terriers and lurchers , he's got the tee shirt and worn it out. Two very good judges have been picked imo, that have earned their stripes at the coalface..so to say. Best of luck with the show boys, hope its a good un for you . Regards B
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