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Everything posted by Bootsha

  1. and down they wil go for sure.............f****n slanty eyed moustached cock sucking mother f****r lol lol
  2. that voncent tan c**t has just sacked the best thing to happen to the bluebirds for decades. businessmenn dont always make best owners of footy clubs imo
  3. thats a nice bitch and an honest post, best of luck in finding her a good, permanent working home chief.
  4. raising a glass to you now old mate................ rest easy.
  5. :feck:Look at my avatar mingus mongus............................. get my drift like munsie :D Sit and Spin...................... ya ken
  6. there would have been a leo sayer track playing if that poofter had anything to do with it, or cotten eye jo if the other had
  7. was looking at youtube earlier, night vision rat control with air rifles.................. man that looks like great sport, it certainly was to watch anyway
  8. The best ever photo album is in between your ears, keep them all in there and just dont take any f***ing pics of dogs working stuff....................... who needs anti's etc, sometimes i think we are our own worse enemy's, .................... just dont take any pics, they cant trace or prove f**k all then, simples really.
  9. where would you look for a basic kit like that irishnut?? thinking of getting a homeloading setup myself tbh. how much are .243 rounds these days? roughly
  10. Where is he these days?, is he still on here at all?. Just havent seen any posts or mention of him lately, always a straight answer with him, please or offend, i enjoyed his banter. Just curious really if he's still on THL at all. Cheers B
  11. mochara, i have used diatom earth for a few years now, mostly with the poultry, but i also put it in under the dogs bedding as well, a liberal dusting. I can only speak as i find, i will continue to use it both for poultry and dogs bedding. Hope this is of some help to you.
  12. item number 171191215487 its an ebay item number pete, cant put the link up, and its in londonderry, 99p at the moment, it looks big enough, are the mesh sizes too big perhaps ??
  13. can you not get them anymore donny?? have they stopped production or what ?
  14. did anyone see the rugby league final ??? what an exhibition of rugby by the aussies, the blasted nz out of the water..... anyway, enough of that shit......................... Come on the reds !!!!!!!!!!!!!! WALES, WALES, WALES...............Mae bys mary ann wedi brifo, a dafydd y gwas dim yn iach.OI OI !!
  15. One thing in chat....................... if your happy to take the piss, be very prepared to get the piss took, its all banter and craic in there, no malice intended. The more the merrier. ..................................................... Oh, and dont piss Power Pete off........or leave caps lock on..................... etc
  16. I'll keep neutral here, not getting embroiled in any "debate" about taxidermy as i know f**k all about it. But I will say one thing, my eyes have never let me down, and the work I have seen of Rob58's on here, I'd gladly hang on the wall of my living room, no two ways about it, very tidy work, in my humble opinion. Regards
  17. as above by topper, but i know advocate does all sorts of stuff, but does not do tapeworms, does stronghold do tapeworms as well?? not sure as I have never used it.
  18. lovely job again rob. It may not have a trophy type head / antlers etc, but it seems a perfect cull animal for the lady to have taken. Nice work again.
  19. enjoyed that, brought back memories, lots of memories. thanks
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