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Bootsha last won the day on February 25 2012

Bootsha had the most liked content!

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1,306 Excellent

About Bootsha

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    Spitting Image of Shakin Stevens. No!!
  • Birthday 09/05/1966

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    No fixed abode

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  1. Is the pard an “add on “? So I can use my existing scope ? It’s only for a .22rf
  2. You and me both mate, she’s turning into a very nice thing , 8 months and about 25” tts….. here’s hoping for some good luck with her now
  3. That add to home s teen option doesn’t seem to be on mine
  4. That’s all it gives me then is options, to send to WhatsApp or messenger etc ?
  5. It’s an iPhone ….. ?
  6. Now me being a thicko, how can you get a shortcut to this site putting on your phone screen so you can just tap that and get straight into the group ? As opposed to going into Google , then accessing that way ??? Maybe an easy way of doing it…. ta very much
  7. Now me being a thicko, how can you get a shortcut to this site putting on your phone screen so you can just tap that and get straight into the group ? As opposed to going into Google , then accessing that way ??? Maybe an easy way of doing it…. ta very much
  8. You wouldn’t want them live to hand innit ?
  9. That’s a beaut…….. I know exactly what your saying though …… its a sad state of affairs really, you think back the fun and sport ours, and past generations had with hunting and dog work, the future generations will only be able to read about it and listen to old folk reminiscing …… that makes me sad
  10. Bryn was his son…. Sure was mated to sally ( his sister) that produced Danny’s litter ….. the brindle dog above
  11. Father and son …. Reece breeding on sires side
  12. Where do you find these ad blockers ?
  13. Is it an app? How or where do you install it ?? It’s bloody ridiculous getting on here
  14. I’ve been away from the site for a number of years now, but on my return I can’t get over how many adverts are in here !! I know it’s gotta cover costs etc to keep the group going…. But Christ there’s more adverts for all sorts than actual content so it seems these days ?….. it’s a shame , there used to be more content and less adverts on it a number of years ago ….. jussayin ?
  15. In cracking looking dog pal….. but all the qualities you mentioned, you never once mentioned working ability, what it’s doing?, how many seasons under its belt ? …. Are you breeding to work the progeny on game or just to show ? good luck with it whatever you do ?
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