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Everything posted by twosey

  1. my lurcher (first experience with a lurcher) was not even remotely interested in chasing anything until he reached around 12 months. I thought I bought a dud and only now at around 14 months is he starting to put on a bit of muscle bulk in his hind legs. He has had a couple of bunnies now which is fab progress. He's getting better all the time and quicker. So i think its good to try and introduce them slowly at a young age but don't go too crazy till they are physically mature enough in case of injury. Probably 15-16 months is a good age where they are "physically" ready to start hard running.
  2. I've been getting a few pheasants lately off my uncle whos a keen game hunter. I cooked the mexican pheasant recipe on the following link and it was really nice!! Id suggest trying this one. http://www.huntingsociety.org/UplandGame.html The other half doesn't like creamy things but she enjoyed it too, although I think the reggae reggae idea would be more up her street so thanks! Dewi
  3. Thats what I did [bANNED TEXT], and my lurcher did fine that way. On the other hand my brother in law keeps food down all day and his pups are doing just fine too, not putting on to much weight or anything. I think its probably personal preference but maybe someone else on here might have a different view on this. Dewi
  4. I know its not the freeads, but i DID read the rules before hand and put everything down as required, its not my fault the rules havn't been updated to show this 20 post thing. As far as I was concerned I was able to put something up for sale here, im not a mind reader!
  5. Ok thats what it is then i only got 9 posts on my profile.
  6. Can someone explain what happened to my post about the sale of my gamo maxima?? It just says read the rules??? I dont understand what i did wrong an explanation would be great as i stated a price and a location, and it is my gun to sell?? MODS Please!!!!!
  7. Just a quick update, cheers to all of you for your advice very much appreciated!! Well, I've changed his diet to a raw one with veg/rice and after just 2 weeks you can barely see his ribs and his hip bones are also barely visible. I've had no problems making the switch, he has taken to it like a duck to water. The change in him not only in build but mentality is quite shocking!! He has sooooooooo much more energy, he is running around the fields like a nutter and today I have had success, no not a rabbit, but he did sight and chase (very fast!) a HERON!! It just took off in front of him and
  8. I took him to the vets today as i am concerned about his weight and yes they agreed he is quite underweight for his breed, so they asked what i fed on, i told them dry complete but that i was thinking of changing to a raw meat diet as suggested by some people, you should have seen the look on her face!!!! She advised against it, but i have been doing lots of research into it since somebody mentioned it on here and it seems to make complete sense. Anyone have any thoughts?
  9. yeah that tends to be what most other people are saying, that he's still young, its just frustrating when you know other pups are up for the chase at a much younger age. My mate has one too and shes just a month older and has been wanting to go for a good 3/4 months now. He won't even go more than 10 yards from me off the lead.
  10. Hi guys, i got a whippet/bedlington/greyhound/bull lurcher he's 8 months old but showing no signs chasing anything whatsoever. Ive been out daytime nighttime, not particularly trying to get him to do anything but just hoping the natural instinct might kick in! Anyway nothing so far and today i tried him coursing at caerphilly game show but again showed no interest. Any help or suggestions? This is my first lurcher. Also he seems kinda scrawny, noticed today with all the lurchers at the show that he is really underweight, but he eats like a horse and was wormed a month ago. He does tend to eat
  11. here are some close ups of the ferrets
  12. I have two young ferrets for sale. They are 4 months old and are both polecat coloured. I am selling due to not having enough time for them, just having a second baby has restricted my free time!! They are fabulous ferrets, very well handled and tame. They come from working stock and i was planning to use them for working this coming season. Neither are neutered so it would be advisable that any new owner neuter one or other before next years mating season. The cage i have is a 3 tier wire mesh cage with a hammock, water bottle and gravity feeding bin. I have in the garage, it is unsuita
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