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About paulliver

  • Rank
    Born Hunter
  • Birthday 03/06/1966

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  • Gender
  • Location
    classy castleford
  • Interests
    shooting/beach fishing/and the odd bear or two

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  1. Wanted any old venom tuned air rifle View Advert As above looking for any original venom tuned air rifle Atb paul Advertiser paulliver Date 11/08/18 Price Category Airguns  
  2. Hi jjm Theres a nice pro sport on the bbs Atb paul
  3. One of my friends was after one ill text him
  4. Where abouts are you in west yorkshire ??
  5. And what about the longbow ???
  6. Also what venom tune has it had ??or was it a kit
  7. Does the longbow have the venom sticker on the action ?? Where do u live ?? Atb paul
  8. Or get in touch with donnyc on here he might have one Atb paul
  9. As above in mint condition grade 2 walnut stock comes with a monte carlo rollover cheek piece. skip line chequering rose wood butt cap with white spacer and adjustable butt pad £280 posted rmsd Friday bump up http://i1377.photobucket.com/albums/ah43/paulliver/garycane004_zpsa431211d.jpg http://i1377.photobucket.com/albums/ah43/paulliver/garycane006_zpsed89b409.jpg http://i1377.photobucket.com/albums/ah43/paulliver/garycane008_zps3543acde.jpg http://i1377.photobucket.com/albums/ah43/paulliver/garycane002_zpsb01ce1c5.jpg http://i1377.photobucket.com/albums/ah43
  10. Cheers big andy They dont know there springers and stock makers
  11. Looks like you lot dont know your springers then Heres another cost well more than £850
  12. As above hw80 .177 full venom lazerglide with 25 mm reduced cylinder Venom slimtech silencer and set back brass trigger bought this action off steve m earlyer this year and waited for gary cane to make a stock for it. so the stock and action are now fitted together gary cane stock with monte carlo cheek piece skip line chequering rose wood grip pad and adjustable butt pad also all the screws have been upgraded to allen key brass ginb trigger guard and a armtex guns slip who made the venom gun bags Fitted with a period gloss black adjustable AO scope running at 11.3 ftlb collecti
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