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Everything posted by Toma413

  1. Not really sure how much your thinking of spending but iv got a .17hmr sako quad synthetic and i love it.Super accurate,light weight,no worries about scratching wooden stock + if you did fancy going back to 22lr,you just change the barrel,the rifle costs roughly £500.The HMR will make a mess of rabbits so only head shots if selling or eating them.Iv shot a fair few foxes with it,some out to 150yards so dont belive some of these people who say its only good on foxes within 50-70 yrds.hope iv been some help to you.
  2. Thanks for the suggestions,any more suggestions are more than welcome
  3. Out of Curiosity, How long have you had your FAC? But as most have said, Write them a letter setting out that it would be a benefit to you and to them if you were to have an Open FAC. And that you have many pieces of land awaiting approval. Regards SS I have had my FAC for 2years now.Could you give me a list of points to add in there?really dont want it to be refused due to not putting the right stuff in there.Cheers
  4. The technique shown in this post: Exploding arse method! There was a video of it being done on here somewhere. You're right about the fox being a decent size, I was acting as 'game carrier,' & one of the boys wanted the brush, & the only knife & rope we had was in the car, so muggins here had to carry the fecking thing back through about 12 fields! Think i will stick to the usual knife method.gutted mate,think we have all been there!
  5. Hi there,i asked a similar question a few months ago but my firearms officer came aroud yesterday and I asked him if it would be a good idea to apply for an open ticket.So he said yes go ahead and write a letter. My question is for those of you who have an open ticket,what should i be putting in that letter to give me a good chance of getting it??
  6. Nice shooting,fair size fox.what do you mean by 'exploding arse' for gutting rabbits?
  7. was surprised the pro hunter didnt swing for her There should definetly be more hunting programmes put on tv.
  8. Ye i thought they wer howa's but not sure.I would like to go out there and try it but i dont think that i could do it full time like them,I mean the main bloke even said himself that he's away 9 months of the year doing it and he is now divorced and doesn't see his kid as much as he wanted.Lots of dedication.
  9. Anyone catch that progremme on channel 4 last night "dangerous jobs for women"?If not then it was about three women sent to south africa to work for a company who has contracts to cull various animals i.e. besbock,springbock.......There job included shooting and gutting over 100 animals.In all fairness they were only there for two weeks and they did very well.Its a real eye opener watching how demanding it is out there as these contractors have to make a living doing this job so they are out there day and night working their ass off.
  10. Hi there,i have an ags swat 4-16X56 look on rifle set ups to see it,i think it looks great and works very well.I have chose not to swap barrels on mine but get the scope as low as possible to the barrel!
  11. I owned the same gun but in .17hmr 6 months ago,had to sell it due to the barrel being pushed to one side and now own a sako quad.I have found that the sako is more accurate than the cz but youve got a serious problem with yours.Just a thought babout the shop you bought it from that said that they zeroed it in at 100yards.In my opinion this disance for zeroing a 22LR is way too far.Take it back and ask them how they could get it zeroed at 100yards when you cant get it zeroed at half that distance!!
  12. Nice collection,whats the set up on each i.e. cal,scope,make???
  13. Just loaded 5 rounds and it wont eject live rounds but they are easy to get out with a finger nail so not to worried about it looked at the heads and there is barely a mark on them arcpest Congratulations on getting your rifle.If got the same but in .17hmr.The thing i dont understand is why is it only the 22 subs that get stuck because ever since iv had my sako it has never failed to eject????
  14. I can see where your coming from by shooting the cat as our shoot has regular problems with cats but i can also see where other people are comming from by saying that putting pictures up was a silly thing to do.Our sport is being constantly opposed and pictures like this do not help at all.but thats just my opinion
  15. I own a sako quad in .17hmr and its a brilliant bit of kit,hasn't failed me,super accurate,lightweight,nice stock,brilliant action on the bolt +thee scope can be lowered as close to the barrel as possible without the bolt hitting it.GO FOR ONE
  16. The new set up,AGS Swat 4-16X56 with side wheel and sun shade,much better.
  17. It may be a regional thing which has spread about? Foxes are called "Freddie" round here by some people. In the phonetic alphabet, as used by police, fire, aviation etc, C-F is Charlie Foxtrot, it may just be something to do with that? Could well be geoff,cheers for the reply!
  18. May sound a bit of a stupid question but im wondering if anyone knows why foxes are called charlies?where has this come from??
  19. cheers for that... thats what i would agree is an open ticket.. rich Thanks everyone for the help.
  20. Wondering if anyone can help me.Have owned a .17HMR for over 2 years now.On my FAC it says that i can shoot on land deemed fit by the police.So i am wanting to apply for an open ticket.How do i go about this?? help on this will be greatly appriciated.
  21. I agree Jamie, I think that the HMR will kill in the chest if the little bullet is put in Exactly the right place, i.e. You know exactly where the Heart or Lung is on a fox. If you are not Absolutely sure then the head shot is the most certain way as you can visually see the area you are aiming at, i.e. as Jamie said, between the Eye and Ear. If you plan to shoot foxes with a HMR, then you need to know exactly where it is shooting and would have spent some time punching paper. As for range, I know they will more than likely have the energy to kill a fox cleanly in the head at 1
  22. Hi dean,it was about 70yards but the rifle is capeable of a fair bit further if shot is placed correctly,the fox was facing me so straight into the chest done the job nicely.ye the scope does its job,always use illuminated retical in the dark,works well for me!cheers
  23. I live in a small village near oswestry called Meifod!!!
  24. Here's my .17HMR Sako quad with hawke nite-eye scope.Not had it long but is proving to be welll worth its money.
  25. So with it being this time of year when it does not get dark until around 11:00 its hard work getting out with the lamp especially if you have work the next day, so instead I have been going out at about 9:30 to see if I can call some cubs in. So last night me and a mate of mine went to some land he owns where people have seen cubs around. I had with me my new Sako Quad in .17HMR using ballistic Winchesters (best round I have used). We walked up the lane next to the wood which the foxes have been spotted coming out from and started climbing to a high enough point in which we could see anythin
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