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Everything posted by diggermad

  1. as im sat at the comp my patty keeps looking up at me and her eyes are saying come on take me out so set alarm for 4.30 out with all 3 of them hoping for a bit of ferret food will let you know how i get on DM
  2. got to be raw as kits DM
  3. alrite mate you learn by your mistakes ATB charlie
  4. its not my fault your older than me anyway we all have to get old sometime only joking mate ATB charlie
  5. forget the milk mate give them at the most 2 eggs a week cheers DM
  6. sorry tegater mate shes a small ferret so she can work the 3 holers i have sometimes on my permission i try to work all mine if possible but thats not always the case once again sorry mate for ignoring your question DM
  7. aye tug matey people think they can come on here critizising about me when they dont even know me or met me if thats what they have got to do all day they lead very sad lives and they know who they are thanks again ladfs for your replies cheers DM
  8. good for you celtic lad chuffed for you weve all got to start somewhere cheers DM
  9. theyll all graft mate if you work on them DM
  10. i know tug mate im not going to stop posting about micros or europeans none of these remarks will ever upset me i have been ferreting for 35 years and im only 46 so a few idiots wont bother me ive forgot what some people know about ferrets or ferreting to be honest if thats all they have got to say i wouldnt bother lads thanks anyway DM
  11. ok lads you have all had your say some good some bad at the end of the day were all in the same line of buisness if people want to breed and keep what they want what does it matter long as they look after their animals cant see the harm in what colour or breed they are i like working mine my missus likes looking after them pets or /workers whats the harm she treats them better than i know anybody does at the end of the day thats what matters once again thanks for the replies lads cheers DM
  12. how much for the 4 polecats print mate cheers DM
  13. Cheers mate i have no need for it now so got to go DM
  14. alls im saying lads seen the parents of the kit they were small and told the jill is a micro not trying to start a debate just showing 1 pic of her thanks for the replies though DM
  15. hi mate im very interested do you know the power of it and is it cocking well would you consider posting cheers charlie
  16. would consider a swap for ferreting gear cheers DM
  17. your right mate just the right size for the warrens i use i also have her sister who is smaller than her DM
  18. heres a quick pic of the little jill we picked up a couple of weeks ago off a mate 5 months old and dont think she will get much bigger should be ok to work her next month on a few little warrens cheers DM
  19. aye mate sorry to hear your loss r.i.p.
  20. just try them on it matey some ferrets dont like it where are you based if your close to warrington i can give you a few places to try cheers DM
  21. raw mate if you can get rabbit pigeon or chicken carcasses wings but never feed them DOG food at a push cat food is ok but not on a long term basis hope that helps DM
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