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Everything posted by diggermad

  1. plus only took 2 days to be delivered cheers
  2. yeah only small but give enough noise out to hear the ferret wandering off hope that helps cheers matey
  3. hi matey dont know how to but here is the item number 181139648506 cheers charlie
  4. 11 is my highest litter thats enough for me cheers charlie
  5. hi guys just got myself 10 cat bells great quality £1.50 for 10 free postage cant beat that for value just put in cat bells and go on from there perfect for working deep cover if your ferret manages to wander off cheers charlie
  6. hi guys which is the best stuff to use for attaching your peg to when snaring any advice would be greatful cheers charlie
  7. cheers mate not seen the permission yet tea pot is it true when they say 4 fingers high on short grass cheers charlie
  8. hi can anybody please tell me how high the snare has to be off the ground when snaring rabbits on open fields or have you got a link i can go to cheers charlie
  9. or if you cant wait matey clitheroe market wednesdays pick them up for about £2 cheers
  10. give us a bell in 8 weeks mate got some here cheers charlie
  11. Hi looking to buy a mk3 ferret collar cheshire area cheers charlie
  12. still time for her yet mate long as shes eating and moving around i wouldnt worry about her cheers charlie
  13. hi looking to buy either a daisy powerline 177 pump gun and also a relem tornado if anybody has them for sale cheers charlie
  14. just need the box mate cheers charlie would you take £40 to £45 for the box
  15. Hi got a small hand held game bird carrier going for free if anybody wants it warrington area cheers charlie
  16. hi looking to buy a mk3 ferret locator im in cheshire area cheers charlie
  17. Hope you get it sorted fran
  18. Know its s bit far mate but your welcome to bring your jills here i have got a vasec hob cheers charlie
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