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Everything posted by Murph

  1. .243 every time, I was doing a few munties and a lot of foxes with a .22-250, never had a problem with it but am getting asked to help out with a few Roe so had to put in for a variation and have bought a T3 lite in .243. Loads of people round here use them as a dual purpose fox/deer rifle and get on really well with them. 55g Winchester ballistic silver tips are awesome through them but we had problems with too much carcass damage on the munties, my mate is now on Sako 85g hollowpoints, when the variation comes through I'll try something a bit lighter with a soft point, hopefully a bit fla
  2. It was an electracatch unit, you can't fish them very hard or it kills them, they burn really easily if you're not careful with them. "well if ya that desparate to kill sum fish then get a granade!" -All that lot survived fine and went for re-stocking trout lakes. You don't electrocute them to kill them, just enough to knock them out for about 5-10 seconds if you're any good at it and want the fish out alive. Yeah mine all run off jennies, The unit shouldn't kill the fish, you only have to knock them out long enough to pick them up, if you get the too close to the anode you e
  3. It was an electracatch unit, you can't fish them very hard or it kills them, they burn really easily if you're not careful with them. "well if ya that desparate to kill sum fish then get a granade!" -All that lot survived fine and went for re-stocking trout lakes. You don't electrocute them to kill them, just enough to knock them out for about 5-10 seconds if you're any good at it and want the fish out alive.
  4. Somewhere around 500lb from a lake with an electrofisher in under 2 hours.
  5. Like I say, they're not mine, I'm putting them up for a mate and that's why I put non-working parents so if people weren't interested they wouldn't have to waste space replying.
  6. Posting this for a mate in the village, they're not mine so I don't know everything about them. Border terrier pups, dogs and bitches, 10wks old, 1st jabs done, kc reg £400. Inbetween boston and skegness, any questions and i'll try and find out the answers. Neither of the parents work as they've never been tried.
  7. Haven't got any pictures of the box as such, but it's in a couple of pictures from this season so far. Had it for quite a few years now, I'm afraid I didn't make it myself although I do a bit of carpentry in the winter. Bought it off a bloke on smoochers when I was on there about 8 years ago. It's just the job for me.
  8. I've looked into this in the past with the environmental health dept and the situation is an odd one. You can sell "small amounts" (not defined in the law) and you do not need any food prep areas , hand washing facilities, chillers, nothing. You can go to the toilet, gut the rabbits, skin them, have a fag outside and bag them up then take them down to the end user without washing your hands and you are covered under "the hunters exemption". However, if you sell small amounts to a merchant, you must have food prep areas, handling training etc as they are acting as a middle man and this re
  9. Wilf they're always coming up at farm auctions if you ever get to them, I bet I've seen 15 at auctions in the last year, think mine cost a tenner. Bulldogs are the best in my opinion, you won't go wrong with one but they are not particularly light and you said you were after something lightweight.
  10. We used to pull a 280m net 5 times a day, just 2 blokes. The mesh size makes a hell of a difference in pulling it in, ours were 14mm . The worst are the ones with a cod-end stitched in as every time you beach the net, you have to turn half the net round again before you can load it back into the boat so the bag is facing the right way when you're pulling it in again.
  11. Got a scar on palm of my hand from a bite from a rabbit, also got 3 scars from a sheep bite (was opening its mouth for wormer syringe) on 4th finger. I had a rabbit scratch me from inside a net when ferreting about a month ago, tiny scratch and thought no more of it but 2 days later my finger was like a balloon and my whole arm was starting to hurt. Went to the doctor and apparently the infection had travelled into a gland that has something to do with the elbow and I was on antibiotics for 10 days. For pain, the worst was the sheep, I honestly thought the end of my finger had come off in i
  12. It happens to mine when they die naturally, their mates always eat them, it doesn't seem that their killing and eating each other, just that they eat another ferret once it's already dead, I find a tail and legs left behind as well. Was the one that got eaten already old/ill?
  13. It's like an eel fyke but not quite the same, you can do ok with elver dip nets but the bankside traps are the best. £450 -600/kg is about right, the elver merchants are well tight weighing them in from the fishermen, no grit or even froth from the water is allowed to be weighed in with the elvers. Not surprising really at that money.
  14. Here's mine, 24"tts, dam, 50/50 beardie/grey, sire, coursing greyhound. I found him slow to mature and headstrong but good now. Sorry the photo's aren't great, I don't take that many and these are off my phone. 2nd and 4th photos are from when he was a pup, he's a fair bit bulkier now.
  15. I haven't got any pics but I'll try to explain how I do it..... Lay 2 pieces of line next to each other, then tie an overhand loop, then go through the loop again with the tag ends (so there's 2 twists rather than 1 if you understand what I mean). Pull it tight and cut the dropper to length. Really simple.
  16. I'm similar to Deker, I get paid on several places and on those that I don't get paid for I take the catch as payment (unless it's foxes in which case it's chargeable). If it gets far from my place, diesel and bullet money is a must as well. It's the same with the crayfish, the way I put it to people who want me to pay for the priveledge of freezing half to death and working through the night is that they wouldn't expect the rat man to pay them to be allowed to poison their rats, would they?
  17. When lamping foxes and rabbits we nearly always drive so use a sponge wedged between the mirror and pillar or the window frame, sometimes the bonnet. If I'm walking, find something to lean on or shoot freehand (rimfiring rabbits). If it's deer or daytime foxes, I'm nearly always up a tree, if I'm not, I shoot prone. I try to keep it simple walking during the day, personally I can't be bothered with carrying binoculars, sticks etc. Just a gun and knife for me.
  18. Mine use the feathers from allsorts to line their nests, I leave them in for quite a while and never had any problems with mites etc.
  19. I use a mk1 finder in a case, trouble is, you can't read the depth reading sticker when it's in the case so I tipp exed the depths in roman numerals on the edge of the wheel under the normal numbers on the sticker (because they're made of straight lines so are easy to draw with the little brush), that way you can read the numbers off the wheel whilst the finder is still in its case and you don't get it covered in mud/wet etc. Doesn't help you catch more rabbits but might help the finder last a bit longer. I've never seen anyone else do it but it works ok for me. I also always put th
  20. I always thought it was too much protein in the diet, they can't digest it all and so eat the crap as it still contains a lot of protein. I've only known it in one dog (pet dog on high protein food) but in that case, dropping the protein in the diet worked.
  21. There's nothing wrong with using 6 ferrets if the warren is big and deep enough. I generally only use 1 or 2 to reduce the chance of pinning rabbits between them in the warren but some of ours need several to get them bolting. I regularly carry 5 even if I'm working small sets so some of them get rested throughout the day.
  22. All this talk about piss drainage, am I the only one whos ferrets don't piss everywhere in the box? I don't think there's anything wrong with the bowback so can't see the need for a change.
  23. I didn't know people copyrighted the airholes! Ffs. I bet whoever invented the bowback is really pissed off with everyone else who makes them like that then . I've had a box for years that has "diamond air holes"-maybe someone's copied HIS design? The box looks good, good luck with it .
  24. Brilliant job mate, they'll love that, how many are you putting in there? When the mrs finds out the cost of timber, mesh and roofing sheets you can always move in with them.
  25. Between 70p and £1 gutted generally is what I get but I keep trying for £1.50! A few people pay £2 and I've got 1 lot that have them at £2.70 skinned. The trouble I always find is that people say they'll take them all but when you consistently turn up with large numbers they start to jib at it and you have to find someone else as they can't shift them. We only shoot the hares when the price is up around £3.50.
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