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Everything posted by adbirdy

  1. Thanks Coneycatcher, but that site quotes last year's show dates, I presume it will be updated soon but I wondered if the contact info for the camping would be the same? Josh
  2. The fox was shot on a shoot day near to Warwick not far from Hatton, so not that far from you really! Ade
  3. Have you got any pics? Are they all metal (galvanised) or wood frame and weldmesh? Thanks Ade
  4. Very well done, now that is an evening you will remember for a long time to come!! Ade
  5. I have bought a cage trap for squirrels but seem to be having a few problems, the bait (nuts) keep disappearing, the trap is not sprung and no sign of anything in the cage? Any suggestions, could it just be mice pinching the bait and not setting off the trap? I've set the treadle plate as light as I can without the trap going off at the slightest puff of breeze! Any help appreciated, thanks. Ade
  6. How do you modify them to fit seven in? Ade
  7. Unbelievable!!!!! Young pheasants, out of season and with a rifle, what planet are you from??? Then you go and post pictures ona public forum, some people!!! Ade
  8. All, Got to agree with Strong Stuff, the show was not in it's usual layout. I read somewhere that it had to be moved about after the wet weather and the ground not recovering after the V music festival. I thought it was nowhere near as big as usual and if you needed the loo on the way round the trade stands good luck to you. I did get to meet Bantam Cock on the C A stand though, (on your left as you go in through the main entrance) so it wasn't all bad!! Ade
  9. Hope it goes well for you and don't forget to keep us updated on the result! Ade
  10. That's a bit harsh, I'm all for hearing how other people are getting on, it is the world wide web after all! Ade
  11. I was poking about in my loft yesterday looking for something, can't even remember what it was now and I came across my copy of the book. I had forgotten what a superb book it is, David Harcombe really knows what it is all about, what do you lads reckon? Ade
  12. Couldn't agree more, where's the harm in a bit more advertising, everybody wins then, more attendance for the organisers and more shows for the lads to go to. Ade
  13. Nice to see a few people getting out. We were out and about with the guns today and the ground is a lot wetter than I thought, it could take more than a few days for the ground to be dry enough to get the combines and tractors out to finsh cutting. Just need to keep our fingers crossed it won't be too long! Ade
  14. Thanks for the info will definitely try to get out with them this season Ade
  15. Does any one know anything about this pack (are they any good),as I believe they are the closest to where I live and would like to maybe spend a few days out with them this season. Thanks for any help Ade
  16. How did the first day go? Still waiting round here can't be long now, the corn is getting cut now just need a few decent days weather wise and we should be in business! Ade
  17. Just wanted to post and make a comment, I used to be involved in working terriers quite a few years ago through my dad and a couple of his mates, we had some good times and good digs but just kind of drifted out of the game. I am still involved in fieldsports but mostly shooting and stuff. I must admit to being concerned over the future of working terriers after the recent ridiculous legislation and increased pressure from animal welfare (!) organisations, but after joining this forum and reading some of the posts from what I would class as PROPER working terrier men my faith has been r
  18. Hello to everyone, just joined on the advice of my brother who reckons this forum is the best thing since sliced bread!!
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