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Everything posted by adbirdy

  1. All, Just a quick pic of my brother with a few bunnies that we managed last night. We actually had 8 eight in total but had dropped 3 off on the way round to save weight!! We could of perhaps had a few more but the lamp packed up!!! Ade
  2. Kay Good guess, but not quite, stayed in Penzance with some friends and the pics were taken in St Ives (lifeboat & gull) By St Michaels Mount (kite surfer) and the others were taken at Sennen Cove. It's a beautiful part of the country and I always enjoy my time spent there. Thanks for looking Ade
  3. Well done Kay, any idea's on where? Ade
  4. Hi All, Been away for a few days, so here's a few pics. Enjoy Ade
  5. It's a Tamron lens I got mine in the bundle when I bought the camera, but Magwitch off here has got the same lens and picked it up for £70 (or could have been £) off e bay. Ade
  6. All, I have put a few pic's of my oldest up, he loves the outdoors, shooting, beating, ferreting and also helping out on the shoot in general. He can't wait to get a gun of his own, but at the moment he's only 9 and just a bit too small to cope with the bulk, but his time will come. I'm hoping the younger one will also follow in his footsteps and get out and about with us. Ade
  7. It's a Nikon D40 but I did get a 70- 300mm lens as well to get the closer pics. Really enjoying getting out and about with it. Ade
  8. It's actually my brother in the pic, I covered his face as he is not the best looking one. lol The rifle is a CZ American (i thinkthat's what it's called, it has the short but heavy barrel) .17HMR with a Simmons Whitetail Classic scope (can't remember the sizes, he might reply in a bit and he will be able to tell you), it shoots really well and certainly does the job on the rabbits! Ade
  9. Hi All, Thought I'd show you a few pic's from my new camera, now I have worked out how to upload them!! Ade Kay, The bird ones were taken on Stowe Pool Lichfield All of these were taken on the Auto setting still have a lot to learn but enjoying it so far!!
  10. Hi Kay, He is a bit of a bruiser, they actually belong to my brother and he got them off Martin from this site. They have worked really well for us and are a joy to handle, a credit to the breeder. Looking forward to doing a lot more next season. Ade
  11. Thanks Martin, The pic is actually of my brother, we met you last year at the CLA game fair to collect 2 ferrets from you. If you check out the ferreting section there is a pic of me and my lad with the ferrets and a few bunnies. They have worked well and we will definitely be out a lot more in the coming season. Thanks again Ade
  12. All, A couple of pics from a day we had around Xmas, my oldest can't get enough of the outdoors!! Ade
  13. All, Just a pic of a few bunnies we shot the other night Ade
  14. FD A very good post showing the proper method of fox control with terriers, protecting farmers and keepers livelihoods, something which the anti's know or care nothing about! Well done Ade
  15. As far as I know mate Brilliant I knew my turd recognition skills would serve me well in the years ahead!! Ade
  16. Obviously not, I will try again!! There we go, look a bit shocked in that one don't I?
  17. Pic of a few from last week (Just a test really to see if I can upload the pics ok!!) Ade
  18. Hi All, Thanks for the help with this one, it was between the Sony and the Nikon D40, after looking at both and taking into account Magwitch's advice (and the quality of his pic's) I went for the Nikon. I managed to get it from Jessop's with the Tamron 70-300mm lens and a 2gb SD card for £339, which I thought was quite a good deal! (Someone will no doubt have a better offer somewhere now I have said that!) Just need to find the time to get it out now!! Thanks again for the help Ade
  19. Kay, Have you sorted out your trip to Lichfield yet? I'm looking forward to the pics. Ade
  20. I use a Nikon D40 which is a entry level camera, you can pick them up for just over £200 and a Tamron 70-300 lens which was £69. Its only 6 mega pixels but for what I use it for its great and well worth a look....................................... Hi Magwitch, I was having a look today in Jessops and the D40 did catch my eye, it obviously takes a good picture if that's what you use for the pic's accompanying your ferreting posts!! THey did also have the Tamrom lens for half price if bouhght at the same time as the camera but from memory that was still £129, so £69 was a s
  21. Hello all, Inspired by all of the fantastic scenery and wildlife shots taken by the users on this forum. I would like to take a few of my own, I have always enjoyed taking pictures but only with a point and shoot jobbie. I need some advice on what equipment I would need to take better quality pics. I'm thinking digital SLR with a 70 - 300mm lens judging by what I have read on here and other places. But what would people recommend as the best camera / lens for the money, as I am on rather a tight budget. Thanks for any help Ade
  22. It is a brand new rifle and he was zeroing it at 70 yards. I think the rifle is just going to have to go back, as there must be something wrong for it to be that inaccurate straight from the box, maybe it was a Friday afternoon production job, rare but not unheard of I suppose! Ade
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