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Everything posted by adbirdy

  1. but what about her cubs for us lurcher boys and girls to run next season Unfortunately for you, I'm not sure the farmer will be too bothered, I'd have thought he cared more about his lamb losses and livelihood!!! Well done Martin and a good read too Ade
  2. Those are very nice indeed, there are some very talented people out there!!!! Ade
  3. All Thanks again for the replies. I gave the bottle a good clean using the rice method and then got out my trusty needle and thread and an old sock and this is what the result was, not too bad and hopefully it will keep the bottle from going green too quickly in future. Ade
  4. iv used the heat before to straighten my stick and worked a treat at the time, only over a few years the bend has come back in it again (long continus bend), will the same method work again? To be honest I'm not sure, I don't see why it shouldn't work again, but I would be careful in case the previous heat treament has made the stick brittle. I had read that the bend could come back over time but this has not happened to me before. Good luck Ade
  5. Thanks all for the replies, some good solutions there and I will start changing the water twice a day to keep it as fresh as possible. Ade
  6. The traditional way is to use steam to heat the stick, but a good way if you don't want to go down that route is a heat gun (you know the type used to burn off paint). Don't put it too close to the stick otherwise you will scorch it!! Heat the stick until it's too hot to touch and then bend it carefully over your knee, you should find that the stick will bend quite easily but go carefully so you don't overdo it!! Just a note you will never take a dog-leg bend out of a stick but a gradually bent stick can be straightened using this method. Ade
  7. I usually just use yacht varnish, the first coat is 50:50 with white spirit then another 2 coats of varnish. Lightly rubbed down in between with wire wool, but that can make the finish too shiny for some people's taste. Hope that helps Ade
  8. Hello All, I'm sure I've seen this on here before but I can't b****y find it now. Now that the warmer weather is here, (hopefully for a while) even though I change my ferts water every day, I am having a problem with the bottle turning a bit green, does anyone have any good tips in getting the bottle clean and keeping it clean. Thanks in advance Ade
  9. I'm with Sauer, I use photobucket and found it really easy to use Ade
  10. If anyone is interested in making some sticks a really good book to get is 'Stick Making A Complete Course' by Andrew Jones and Clive George it shows how to make all types of sticks and explains it really well. Here's a few pics of some I have made Ade
  11. All, Through the colder months we normally feed more meat than dry food but when it gets warmer and the flies start to get a bit more active, we tend to feed more dry food. I have been feeding the James Wellbeloved food which the ferrets seem to like, but I have seen some Chudleys dry food at half the price of the other stuff and wondered if any of you lads and lasses had any experience of using the Chudleys and what you thought of it. Cheers for any opinions Ade
  12. Blimey Magwitch you must have good eye sight, you didn't have the bino's with you as well as the camera did you? Ade
  13. Hello All, Had a day out with my brother at the keepers fair at Catton Park. We got to watching the falconry display and the chap Jonathan Marshall was flying his peregrine and getting it to stoop between his legs. (ooh err) A bit gimmicky for all of you proper falconers I'm sure, but I did get a couple of pics where you can see the action. (not the easiest thing to take a picture of, they are quite quick!!!) Enjoy Ade
  14. Great pics JD, here's my humble contribution, working in the woods today came across this pheasant nest Ade
  15. I have used a Western Rivers one with some success. It's the rodent in distress one, I think you will find that the rabbit ones on this site are cottontail rabbits and as such sound slightly differernt to our native rabbit. Link below http://www.western-rivers.com/downloads.html Ade
  16. That's exactly what I was going to say!!! Hope you got all the DIY done so you are ahead in the brownie point stakes Ade
  17. Sounder Very good advice indeed, I always used to go shooting with my old fella and never wore any ear protection at all. I now have tinnitus in both ears, worse in the left than the right but I now make sure that my lad ALWAYS wears ear defenders when out shooting!!!! (See my avatar) Ade
  18. Good pics Buster, glad to see the lad enjoying himself as well!! Ade
  19. Hi All. Just a few pics of the ferrets enjoying their well earned rest!! Is there a hole in this bucket? Ere come and have a look, can you see a hole in this bucket? I'm sure there was a hole in this bucket what did you reckon? Enjoy Ade
  20. Simmo Sounds like it's a definite possibility then Ade
  21. FH, An unpleasant job as you say, but it does have to be done, if we didn't keep the landowner happy I'm sure someone else soon would!! By the way FH how do you find the orange filter compares to a red one? Better or just different? Ade
  22. Might pop down on one of the day's as it's not too far from me Ade
  23. Very nice pic's, that pheasant looks in top nick Ade
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