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About cbw

  • Rank
    Born Hunter
  • Birthday 12/04/1971

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  • Gender
  • Location
    West Suffolk
  • Interests
    Fishing, shooting, property renovation and my family!
  1. I have both! Started life with the Annie, I love it to bits, wont start talking long range accuracy as will get shot down in flames, however its great on a couple of my permissions where there are limited numbers of rabbits. 10 22, great fun off back of truck lamping or as mentioned earlier where there are multiple kills to be had, keep it clean. Out of choice I prefer the Annie for my shooting and get better satisfaction from it.
  2. The lessons I had were 1 to 1 using my 3 shot semi auto and I was doing 125 cartridges/birds in an hour and 10 mins of instruction, including breaks for guidance, so 25 birds may not be long at all?
  3. Ive been shooting rifles for last 30 years and recently bought my first shotgun. Didn't want to spend a fortune as I have previously made that mistake with rifles...Spent £1000s on one and wont use it in the rain....POINTLESS! After much thought and debate I went for a second hand Browning semi auto, I paid £400.00 for it including breach block with orange 'flag' 250 cartridges and a gun slip. Ive been absolutely thrilled with it and cannot recommend it highly enough. My main use is wandering the fields 'walking up' pigeons, I do however go on the odd friendly clay shoot where
  4. Thing is if he told you to 'feck off' he is behaving aggressively whilst in possession of firearm, threatening behaviour infront of a child......If you really wanted to go for him I think you could go for several things........
  5. I went to a guy 2 or 3 months ago who had been shot 5 times in the head with an air pistol. Thankfully this was a low powered legal one 6fps?? Only 3 of the pellets actualy penetrated the flesh/neck and one in hand from defence. I still think its an ideal limit, not impossible to kill someone but unlikely.
  6. I also had a cat shot.....they then poisoned a load of cats around here with antifreeze. We all know who did it, just couldnt prove it! And not an idiot or a yob, just didnt like cat poo I guess!
  7. Just very quickly......Mental health issues dont prevent you from having/obtaining FAC or SGC I have both. Makes it complicated, frustrating and time consuming but not impossible. I have had 2 spells of being, as someone else said earlier in the thread 'nuts' the last spell lasted for 18 months during which I was very unwell. I had to have several 'crisis' meetings with psychiatrists, GP etc and they all agreed that i was 'neither suicidal or homicidal' I also have a couple of serious criminal convictions (20 years ago). I actually feel the limit for airguns is about right
  8. I spent stupid money on my first rifle....fantastic stock etc.... Regret it now! I wont use it when it rains, stress about getting it damp etc! All my guns/rifles now are 'rough and ready'
  9. Is that the rapid? Was your earlier coment about holding it until the certs are sorted a genuine one? I am about to renew my FAC and was adding air .22 and .243. May change to .20 if your willing to take payment and hold it????
  10. I have more this year than last year, last year was dire from a sport point of view.
  11. Dunc, not sure where your located, your welcome to have a go with my Anschutz. Likes Eleys and I have quite a good scope that helps with the longer range. Very accurate, as stated though occasionaly the odd one goes astray for no obvious reason. I have no rabbits left on my permissions (I am a good shot, nothing to do with mixy!!!)so tend to spend a couple of hours a week paper punching at varying ranges. Its an interesting lr, certainly the best ive ever had.
  12. Zero for 30 to 60, 2 clicks for and a further 2 clicks for 100yrds. Consistant head shots at 100 if not breezy, off sticks/bipod/gate post Eley subs Not been on here for ages, this argument allways comes round.
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