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Everything posted by lofti

  1. its called bonding with the pup ..i agree ....i have mine in the house usually till about 5 months old ...then slowly introduce them outside...this pup ive got not didnt go outside till about a month ago hes now 8 months ,,,reason is he was a wild thing and needed a bit more time spent with him......i do think a dog is better outside ..but i dont think it affects there working abillty either way,,,,,i thinks it a bit more healthy for them outside not breathing gas fire fumes in ect ect and i think they keep a better coat if there outside....i try and spend as much time as possible with a pup i
  2. when i lived at home with my parents ,we had lurchers that lived in so was normal to me ,my last lurcher lived in and was a fecker nicking food and chewing stuff, bit of a mare. so when we were ready for our next dog ,me and my partner decided this time the dog must live out. so we got two out of the same litter to keep each other company, in the times while me and my partner are working.they come in now and again but always sleep out. it has worked out well ,so much so that we are on the look out for a 3rd member to our working team. lofti.
  3. if you have pick, the most alert,most active or comes out of kennel first.good legs and bite together. i think most of the time its a gut feeling. lofti.
  4. Nice dog, good luck mate the moon not in our favour at the mo. lofti.
  5. hes coming on mate lol was it a full moon party lofti.
  6. lofti

    cruel b******ds

    im f*****g gobsmacked!!!!!!!!!! how can they skinthem alive,thats just f*****g shocking. why would you not kill it fist,i dont get it.its just wrong.
  7. like the new pup MLB what breed is she? Your gona have your hands full now mate lofti.
  8. she is 7/16bull 9/16 grey definatley took the racier side. altb lofti.
  9. my two pups,out of the same litter.9 month old now.
  10. nice looking dog that mate. similar to one of mine,
  11. hello and welcome th THL, lofti.
  12. Lofti is Snatch GO's dog? Litter Bro to Captain ? If so i once saw him run and he knew his job. not shure of relation to captian,could well be, but yes GO's unbeliveable catch rate he says its the best dog hes ever had. the pup looks a feking belter max lofti.
  13. will do loft once i get a new camera ,also got a new pup thats a niece on both sides of my dog and a cousin/aunty to the older pup so its a full time job for the next year lol,but ill get pics of them both up ..going to pop out for an hour tonight also good luck mate,moons not in our favor ot mo.
  14. hello , welcome to the hunting life . at least you can spell properly. do you own any hunting doggies???? thaksgiving to you too, lofti.
  15. good news that bull,congrats ,sounds like youve brought it on well. get some piccs up of the pup mate. lofti..
  16. snatch is a top dog hes in ireland now tho. my mate has a 5month old pup of him its a cracker all white in colour.
  17. realy good going mate,glad to see your hard work paying off. your pup looks well. all the best, lofti.
  18. come on mate get some piccs up!!!! nice mix by the way, and all the very best with her. i like the names. jess,tess, lady,kim,sara,.... cheers lofti.
  19. the black dog i got of you is called tess, she is coming on very well by the way mate.
  21. cheers Tom dose anyone know of any camping sites near to the show that allow dogs,had a look myself cant seem to find any im still a bit green on the old laptop!! lofti
  22. sounds realy good Tom, not to far from me is the lurcher judging over the two days do you know. cheers lofti,
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