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Everything posted by lofti

  1. cheers bud,ye they dont stay pups for long do they lol.shes been fairly easy to train and has really come on in the last few months, she likes ferreting job but the long ears are definitely more her thing. hope you have a good season.
  2. black bitch is bullxgrey 2 year old brown bitch is saukigreyx colliegrey whip 17 month old
  3. nice piccs bud , was a good day out tess`s belly was red from them prickly bushes with her being smoother she was a bit sore but is fine now, nice easy digging for a change in that sand wish it was always like that lol. lets get back there soon.
  4. dont fget that dvd bud

  5. you can all ways rely on baz for that mate he has saved us alot of time if you add it all up. hes a cracker at his job.
  6. good to see that your getting out again .... hope your well not much about down this way either to be honest even in the places that were infested, i think if we have the winter as bad this time its gona look prety grim for hunting the bunnie.
  7. naaah, think you are just scared of the dark
  8. your dog did well there ,looks like theres plenty of cover for the hares to go to. that running pic is a cracker . lofti.
  9. while hes learning dont slip till hes seen the bunnie mate. walk up to seated rabbits in the beam and make a faint hissing noise till they get up, he will soon get the jist. after a couple of outings when you hiss he will be looking in the beam ,dont get stresed with the dog hes still a pup. good luck mate.
  10. yes it could be travellers but as anyone thought that it could be one or more of the thousands of smack heads that will do what every they need to get there fix.
  11. id be on the look out for a decent pup, you could be waiting for ages for a genuine adult worker to turn up, will you have room in your kennels if your if your hancock lurcher turns up mate??
  12. your spot on there Maltenby, i knew of a fen dog that went for ALOT of money it was only 24" and like you say it was long in the body. height would only matter on thick ruff heather etc.. for obvious reasons I always liked my dogs to be square mate. good on ya
  13. your spot on there Maltenby, i knew of a fen dog that went for ALOT of money it was only 24" and like you say it was long in the body. height would only matter on thick ruff heather etc.. for obvious reasons I always liked my dogs to be square mate. good on ya
  14. your spot on there Maltenby, i knew of a fen dog that went for ALOT of money it was only 24" and like you say it was long in the body. height would only matter on thick ruff heather etc.. for obvious reasons
  15. really hope you get your dog back mate,ill keep my ears and eyes open for you so will the lads. dog thieves are the scum of the earth. good luck mate. lofti..
  16. lofti

    watch this lol

    ha ha ha,fecking belter the Ray,just brilliant
  17. looks hard ferreting mate,nice piccs. hows the lurcher doing? will she be up and running soon? lofti.
  18. try the National Farmers Union (NFU) they are very good its about £13 a month each lurcher insured as a cross breed rabbiting dog theres a £50 exess.
  19. spot on, you have to keep a eye on things. Its ok the older dog putting the pup in its place great. But when they get to 12- 20months , there is strong chance it will try to be top dog, and as above bull breeds can just kick off very quick. I used to keep bullmastiffs years ago, and they could be fine 90% of the time, then in second Bang all hell breaks loose, feck knows why.???? . Any dogs can start, so always let them know you are top dog, more so if you have dogs with bull in them, even though they might not start it, but will try to finish it,
  20. its a fecking nightmare mate and its all over the place, get yourself a stapler mate,they are spot on and will save you alot of money . hope your dog makes a fast recovery and is back at it.
  21. lofti


    think your right pal,just watched it again
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